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"Doctor Wale how she is?"
"Emma it's not good, I'm afraid."
"What do you mean it's not good!"
"Your daughter's body is fighting a virus this is why she is burning up, the really bad news we have for you is that we are going to have to put her into a coma."
"A coma!" Emma screamed.
"Isn't there anything else you can do Doctor Wale?" Hook asked desperately.
"I'm afraid not unless you know what could be causing this, because she might be fighting a virus but it's an unusual virus we've never seen before."

"We don't have any idea how this happened she has been looking tired lately, but I don't know Doctor Wale please help her." Emma's desperation was clear she wanted me to be fine.

Regina came running through the doors to where I was laying, she looked at my pale, frail body and turned to Emma. "Do you know what's happening to her?" Hook asks patients running low.
"Well it's nothing to do with her magic, her magic seems to be mixed with someone else's and her body is fighting it."

Emma called a meeting at grannies for everyone she's trust, Regina turned up, Rumple and Belle. The charming's, Hook and Henry. Everyone sat round in the cafe with worried faces. "I have called you all here because all of you are aware that Piper is in a coma. I need your help to work out what could of course this?"
Regina spoke first. "As you know Piper came to me to learn how her magic worked so I showed her how to control it and learn what she can do but she can't actual produce any sort of magic like moving an object or casting a spell she can just control the magical energy flowing through her."

"You are telling me she has learnt how to control her power but not produce any magic?" Emma questions.
"Yes, which means the magical energy flowing through her now isn't hers as she wouldn't have lost control and ended up ill." Aunt Regina finished, this is all making sense to me but why can't I wake up and how on earth can I see and hear them? i am so confused.
Rumple mumbles under his breath "She came to my shop the other week asking about Peter Pan."
Emma pulled her eyebrows together: thinking. "I remember that she was so angry that we didn't tell her about him."
"I don't know why she asked about him, but I told her the story anyway she seemed determined to find out, she claimed she saw Pan's shadow."
"What she can't of he's dead plus she wouldn't know who the shadow belongs too, right?" Snows panicked voice sounded through the shop.
Belle coughed before speaking up. "She came into the shop before well all this happened, she came in looking for Rumple, but he was out, so I asked to help, and she asked how to contact Pan's shadow I told her how."
"Piper asked what if there not dead, which confused me but got me thinking what if Pan's shadow did die but it wasn't Pan's shadow. I also thought what if Pan's shadow found a way to bring Peter back."
"Do you have a theory on that too?" Everyone questions.
"As a matter of fact, yes I do, Peter needs Piper to save him they have the same powers." Everyone looks at Belle.
"Belle you're a genius, what's up with Piper is that Pan is inside her body. He has the virus and he needs Piper to heal him like he needed Henry to do the same all those years ago. I listened to everything they were all saying, and it all made sense the dream and him looking pale he's ill.

My mind was fogging and blurry I couldn't make out much of what it was trying to show me or take me, the voices of my loved ones were so close, but they seemed so far away. My mind would show me clips of my family, but they were fogging and blurry like the rest of my mind. My body felt like pins and needles the awful tingly feeling was all I could feel it was like I was static in a tv. I was a tv waiting to find the signal to play the clear picture of the show or in this case whatever my static mind is trying to show me.

The blurry, foggy static started to clear little by little the pin and needles feeling dying down after what felt like for ever. The picture clearing showed me a beautiful forest of tall green trees that scattered what appeared to be an island. This island looks awfully familiar, I squinted my eyes to get a better look, Pans island! Why has my mind brought me here? I looked around some more as the picture came clear and clear, I took slow steps towards the biggest tree on the island. The tree looked dark and glum it didn't look healthy or bright. The tree looked sick can trees even get sick: probably they are a living thing after all. The dark and glum tree seemed to dark some more giving me an uneasy feeling, something was right here. Walking round the sick tree trying to work out what this tree has anything to do with why I appear to be asleep after trying to sleep for so long.

"If it isn't Emma Swans daughter." A deep English voice broke my concentration, I jumped from behind the tree landing down on my ass once again out of startlement, what is it with me and being so jumpy lately.

"Peter Pan I assume." I wiped the mud off my hospital gown.

"The one and only." He winked at me his eyes travelling down my naked legs these hospital gowns not leaving much to the imagination.

"I'd rather you didn't flirt with me; I wouldn't mind some answer though."

"Answer what answer could there be? You know everything you heard your dear family talking about it didn't you." The envy in his voice made me believe he wanted a family another chance at happiness.

"They didn't mention anything about this tree and why you need my body." I snapped back I haven't missed sleep and my mind for nothing.
"The tree is back in Neverland; the tree is the life source of Neverland it what makes Neverland and protects the creatures of Neverland when that goes Neverland will be no more and with it the creatures of Neverland."

"So, if the tree dies you die and the island, is this why you need me?"
"Yes precisely I need you to save me with your healing powers and after that me and you will make the trip to Neverland to save it."

"Save it from what and why should I help you? You were going to leave my brother to die so you could live." I scurried backwards out of disgust of the cute boy Infront of me.

"Have you never heard of the magic eater?"
"Well it comes to realms to feast on powerful magic, and it's been in Neverland for years it was there when your family was there, eating its way through the magic."
"Is that why you're dying Peter?"
"Yes, the thing eating the tree is taking the magic but also stopping me from being immortal. Which caused me to contract a virus which will eventually kill me."
"Is that why you wanted Henry's heart?"
"Yes his heart contained enough power to save me but not enough power to save Neverland; I thought I could save Neverland afterwards but your family ruined everything!"
"My family were only doing what they thought was right at the time they didn't know what was happening you never told them you just stole my brother and took his heart." I wrinkled my nose at his proximity
"Now I don't I have to kill your brother I have you. "He rubbed up and down my arms in a seducing way.
"Stop touching me you creep, I will help you, but you will have to behave and be nice to my family and you better not deceive me or I will kill you myself." I pushed his soft hand off me and moved further away.

"I have to tell you the reason why you are currently in a coma." He smiles and moves closer again.

"So, I'm stuck in a coma to heal you!"

"Yes, plus me and you are the same. We have the same magic so you are the only one that can heal me and help me save Neverland and the fact we're destined to fall for each other."
"Destined to fall for each, Ha-ha I think you made that bit up but nice try." I scoffed.
"You can deny that we are not destined: I know you are attracted to me." He winks again trapping my body against the sick tree and his fine body, huh what did I just think oh no. I cringe at the thought.

"How do we save you exactly and can you please give me some room." I attempt to push him; it no use. I sigh.

"First we need to wake up." I give him a puzzled look, what is he planning?
How do we do that and what does this have to do with healing you?"
"You have to kiss Me, our magical energy has to flow as one and to do that you need to kiss me and with that energy your healing magic will work on me and I will be free to leave the world between this one and Neverland."
"Is there not another way to do this I don't really want to kiss you." I turn my head away from his attempt of kissing me. Why is he so eager to kiss me?
"There's is no other way."

"You're lying this is one of your games." I try putting more distance between us, but he really is desperate to kiss me.
"Let's play a game than." He smiled his voice was just above a whisper as his hot breath fanned my face making me weak at the knees, damn hormones. Why does he have be so hot?

(once upon time) Pipers love for Peter PanWhere stories live. Discover now