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The constant feeling of someone following me or spying on me in room or at school really is driving me mad I can't help but get angry and worried. I am not sure if this feeling is trying to tell me something or warn me but I'm a Swan we were born to defeat or help whatever is on its way: I hope.

Auntie Regina has been teaching me witchcraft ever since I was older enough to talk, she's brilliant at it she's taught me so much and what she can't Auntie Zelena will help teach me. Mum would teach me, but she's convinced it bring more trouble than it's worth. She's probably right under our family circumstances we don't have luck when it comes to magic.

We have a day where the whole family will come round to play games, it was Henry's idea of socialising the family (typical Henry) He likes to remind everyone he was the one that brought everyone together, he's the true believer so the family let him off lightly all the time I mean the other day he was messing around with Aunt Regina's magic book and let out a unicorn the whole family was then dragged out to rescue and put back the mythical creature. Did he get in trouble no he was rewarded because he brought the family out together and had fun, if it was me, I wound have been sent to my room for being an idiot. I know they love me but come on he let out a unicorn the most I've done is set fire to Granny's by accident I was only trying to make hot coco and cinnamon.

The family game night ends with a glum feeling in the air after Henry wins at fairy tale guess the story game. I rub my tired drained eyes the feeling of been watched and followed is tiring maybe I should tell mum? That would worry her probably best not too. "Night family!" I wave and blow them all a kiss before trudging my way up the flight of stairs. The moon shining in on my room hits me in the face I cower back like a rat in the streets, the brightness of the moon makes me see a shadow of a body outline in my room, I rub my poor tired eyes again. The shadow disappears 'I must have been seeing things' I mutter. "You must be going mad." An English accent brakes through the darkness in my room making me freeze mid through taking my top off. "Huh?" I turn round to come face to face with a shadow of a young teenager. "Who are you? Why are you a black outline?" shadows don't talk right? I'm so going mad; I need to see a doctor. "I am Peter pans shadow." The voice was cold and very English. "Who's Peter Pan?" I snap at the weird thing in my room.
"Ask Rumple." The shadow spoke slowly like he was trying to be scary. I sniggered at the thought. Before I could ask more the thing flew out of my open window... wait open window when did that open!

The thought of the creepy shadow boy lingered in my head making me feel dizzy and ill. Even the smell of mum's pancakes won't making me feel any better. "Morning Mum."
"Morning sweetheart, can you do me a favour and wake your dad up?" Dad always struggled to get out of bed he wasn't one for early morning anymore.
"Sure." I winked at Mum. I grabbed a small bucket and filled it up with freezing cold water.

I crept up the stairs to where dad was sleeping, I have no reason to sneak up stairs he's a strong sleeper, but it made it more fun. I made it to their room to my Dad snoring like a trooper his mouth was open waiting for flies. I lift the bucket up slowly tipping it over him the cold water dripped down his face startling him awake.

"Mum dads up."
"Okay." She gently places the pancakes down on the table.
"Where's Henry?" I search for him he's normally down here first munching on all the food he claims he's a growing lad (eye roll) he's not growing he hasn't grown for four years ago.
"He stayed at your Grandmothers and Grandfathers." I nodded I needed to go there today anyway so bulling my brother would also cheer me up.

I clean up my pots before running off to the pawn shop. I run into the shop that sold so many lost things that will one day will find their rightful owners again. I smiled at the thought I guess it's nice for the lost things to be reunited with their loved ones. I stop to see Rumple baby proofing the entire shop. "Rumple why on earth are you baby proofing?" I Laugh he's on the floor looking under the counter for sharp edges.
"What kind of question is that, you know why." He answered with a puzzled face. I laugh again he's normally calm and one step ahead.
"I was meaning why now? Belle's still got 7 months till her due date." He just smiled.
"You can never be too early." I giggle and nod at him there's no denying his logic.
"Rumple I actually came here to speak to you about a person called... Peter Pan."
"What of him?" His voice was distant and harsh, I was taken back by this, but I still push forward I need to know why that creepy thing was in my room.
"It's just th-at..."
"Spit it out." He stood up to his full height towing over me his eyes piercing into mine.
"I think, I spoke to his shadow: last night?" I was still confused about the shadow and how it can be someone's shadow.
"The shadow told me to come here, to ask you about Peter Pan..." I droned off.
"It must just be a dream Dearie, he's dead."
I look up at him the shock clear as day in my eyes, if he's dead then how did I see and speak to the shadow? I was defiantly going mad. "Sit down dearie I will tell you a tale." I take a shocked and confused seat on the floor.

Rumple told the tale of how Henry's dad's girlfriend had taken Henry to Neverland for Peter Pan to take his heart to save himself, he then went on about how he killed Peter Pan. After the long dreadful story; I stood up. I said my thank you to Rumple. The story was long and confusing the need to do all of that was beyond me.

I storm in the cottage fuming at the story I didn't get why they hadn't told me of this adventure they had together, they told me all the other ones but no this one.

Mum creeps into my room the worried and pain look taking over her features. "What do you want, not in the mood to talk." I snapped harshly guilt washed over my body making me feel crappy, but the thing is I have been feeling crappy ever since my birthday that was a month ago, my body feels drained and tired all the time.
"I came to tell why, if you want to sit up and look at me." I force myself up to look at her. I nod at her to go on with her tale. She told me that she didn't tell me because it was years ago and I mean years ago, you see the thing is people in Storybooke don't age: unless your born into this world like me and Henry but when we turn 20 we stop ageing; crazy right? I know you all probably think that's a good thing but the only way to end out life is to die by someone killing us or going back to fairytale world. I look at her blankly, she looks at me begging me to say something. "That is not an excuse not to tell me! you told me all about the other adventures!" I didn't mean to snap at her my emotion have been all over the place lately. I huffed at her before asking her to leave I needed time to think and get my mad self in order before I could come up with an explanation as well as an apology.

I looked to the night sky the stars shining brightly in the sky, the wind blew my curtain open making the room chilly, wait wind! I jumped up off my bed to shut the window. 'I'm going to have to super glue that thing shut.' I muttered to myself. I really, I'm going mad. "Stop shutting my window." Falling to the floor in fright. "Stop opening my damn window then" I dusted myself off before huffing and puffing to my bed I was mad I'm talking to a dead guys shadow. The thing laughed at me before telling that his owner likes the look of me, he finds me entertaining I just grumbled a response before telling to leave so I could sleep for once.

(once upon time) Pipers love for Peter PanOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz