Jalan (3) : Abhi Toh Party Shuru Hui Hai

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Sky Restaurant, Oberoi Hotel
Raman Kumar Bhalla was the cynosure of all female eyes as he moved around the party venue, the Sky Restaurant on the rooftop of the Oberoi Hotel, meeting and greeting his guests.

It wasn't just that he was an extremely handsome man, or the fact that he looked like an advertisement for Vogue in his beautifully tailored and elegant tuxedo. It wasn't just the confidence on his face or the arrogance of his gait either.

There was something else, perhaps a certain vulnerability beneath that polished exterior, an intensity in those deep brown eyes, that drew the attention of all the women in the room.

Matrons and maidens alike, they preened as he approached them, and their eyes lingered on him long after he had moved away.

Raman was oblivious to all the stares however. Even as he played the perfect host, shaking a hand here, kissing a cheek there, laughing at someone's comment, making small talk with someone else, his eyes waited hungrily for the one woman who his soul was yearning for, the woman who completed him and who had given anchor to his life - his Ishita.

He had texted her some ten minutes previously, only to learn that their car was caught up in a traffic jam, and that it would be another twenty or so minutes before she and Mihika would reach the Oberoi. He bestowed a dazzling smile on the young lady who had been talking earnestly to him, aware that he had not heard a word she had said, so caught up had he been in dreaming of his Ishita.

"Bhai" Mihir called out to him, approaching him with Mr Malhotra and an unknown tall young man in tow.

"Mr Malhotra" Raman excused himself and strode forward, grasping Malhotra's proffered hand."How good of you to come. I know you are off to London tomorrow, it's good of you to take the time, Sir"

"This project of yours is so innovative and exciting, I wouldn't have missed the completion party for anything, Raman" Mr Malhotra shook Raman's hand with warmth, before turning to his companion.

"Subbu, this is our host and one of the most dynamic young CEOs in India, Raman Bhalla. And Raman, this is Subramaniam, a rising young star in the Reddy Group of Companies in Chennai."

"Pleased to meet you" Raman offered his hand to Subbu.

"Likewise" Subbu took the proferred hand.

"Subramaniam seems to be quite a favourite name in the South" Raman observed." Our Finance Manager is also Subramaniam. And...anyway, how are you finding Delhi?"

"I've been so busy with work, I haven't really had time to do much this trip." Subbu replied with a wry smile. "Anyway, Delhi isn't really new to me. My brother lives here and I used to live with him before I got married, so I am pretty familiar with this place. And please, call me Subbu."

Raman curved his lips into a smile, brushing aside the momentary pang in his heart as he thought of the other holder of the Subbu moniker.

"Good, good" He said. "Mihir, please organise drinks for Mr Malhotra and Subbu. If you"ll excuse me Sir, I see the Mayor just arriving. I"d love to talk to you later in the evening Subbu. I have a special affinity with Chennai"

With that, Raman walked off to greet his other guests.

"Subbu" Mr Malhotra said. "You should think about getting a placement with Raman's company for a period. You would learn so much from him, Raman is truly the most dynamic and innovative young leader I have come across in the business world in a long time".

Subbu smiled "Raman Bhalla" he said quizzically. "His name sounds very familiar. I wonder where I have heard it before."

Raman had settled the Mayor with drinks when the sound of new arrivals caused him to turn towards the door again. His heart skipped a beat, wondering if Ishita (and Mihika) had finally arrived.

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