Hell's Angel (chapter 16)

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Since I don't sleep, I spend a lot of time in the bunker by myself. Usually, I watch things on Netflix, listen to music or read but I don't feel like doing any of that. Sam and Dean had got back from a werewolf hunt a couple of days ago; I rarely join them or even if I do, I don't help. Why? I'm an archangel I could kill the thing in a split second, sure me being there could potentially stop the boys from harm but I can always heal them. That didn't stop Dean from being annoyed though because he thought Sam died on a hunt and tried to kill himself to make a deal with Billie. I don't understand why suddenly it's my fault, apparently, stuff like that is normal for you two just because you have your own friend archangel now me being there constantly is what they want. They act as if I'm their guardian angel. If Dean called or prayed to me I could have told him that Sam's not dead, but he didn't. I tried explaining this to him, but he just walked off.

Where did this train of thought begin... Oh yeah, sleep? I don't sleep so tonight I have dedicated to planning how to embarrass Sam and Dean starring Dad's books. I have two ideas. I could have massive posters of the front covers everywhere or I could always recreate loads of them and cover the entire floor with them as if it were flooring. The later.

Half an hour later, littered in all shapes and sizes were the books, positioned perfectly so it doesn't slip around. I made my way into the kitchen to make once again coffee for moose and squirrel. Yes, I know they're Crowley's nicknames, but I have adopted them. With a teaspoon or three of salt, they were ready. A shout echoed through the bunker it was Dean he was up. Worn by Dean was a face of anger to mask the embarrassed as he stormed into the kitchen.

"First of all, Why the hell are those stupid books everywhere and secondly how the hell did you find out about them?" Demanded Dean. I only smiled for a minute or so before answering with complete bullshit.

"Well, Dean I always knew about them. The visions package was premium, and I wanted to remind you how incredibly realistic the front covers are." I lied, well except the last part. The covers are hilarious. I handed Dean his salty coffee. He took a sip, made eye contact with me and downed the mug then proceeded to walk away, I could picture his smirk. I made Dean a fresh one and he gave me a look saying, 'do you think I'm stupid?' I just blankly stared holding out the mug for him to take. Finally, he took it.

Eventually, Sam got out of bed which surprised me usually it was Dean up last. He mumbled something like 'wishing chuck ever wrote those books' and snatched his salty coffee out of my hands. Dean looked at me and I nodded to say it had salt in. Sam brought the white mug up to his lips and took a gulp. Disgust washed over is features and he ran to the sink and spat it out. Glaring he faced Dean and me. We looked at each other and began laughing without Sam.

"Why must I be surrounded by children." Sam sighed. He made himself coffee refusing my offer to make it.

In the library, we sat not doing anything when Dean got a call. It was Crowley, he must have another Hand of God or needed help. I began paying attention to the call.

"Is she there?" Crowley spat on the other side of the line. Dean looked at me and I shook my head.

"No, she's helping Lucifer with some shit. Why? You scared of her?" Dean asked while I smirked, he better be.

"Me, scared of her please, I just have something very important and I don't want either of them getting their hands on it. I have a weapon... one that channels divinity. A Hand of God. Unused of course," Crowley answered," You've been looking for one, right?"

It was Dean's turn to answer. "Of course."

"Thought as much. St. Louis. The old post office on Beekman. Don't bring her." Crowley warned and then hung up. We informed Sam of what he said then devised a plan.

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