Warding is always a problem (chapter 12)

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There were four of us sat in the bunker discussing who's gonna back in time to 1943. When we arrived back from Jody's house Sam & Dean found a case almost straight away, it was about some curse transferred by a kiss (love kills.... am I right?) anyway so when they finally got back from that I told them about what me & 'Cass' found out.

It was a piece of the original Ark of the Covenant, a hand of God, it was discovered by a Nazis' archaeological dig but was stolen by a woman of letters called Delphine Seydoux. However, it was lost on the USS Bluefin after it was sunk by the Germans.

I was trying to convince 'Cass' that we should bring either Sam or Dean with us in case something goes wrong but 'Cass' being Lucifer didn't want to but finally, I convinced him. So Dean packed a few bits and pieces to take with him.

"Bon voyage!" Dean joked as we travelled to the USS Bluefin's last known location. Splash! Lucifer and I were now in the water watching the ship, trying to teleport on it.

"Damned warding!" I shouted not enjoying being in the middle of the ocean. After a couple seconds, I got a tugging feeling someone was... praying to me. Who? It could be Dean. I'll check it out. "You should go back to Sam, I have to do something." then I left.

I found myself in a familiar surrounding. Tall stone walls and a stone floor, it was hell. The room was empty except for Crowley in the corner on his hands and knees with some form of a collar on. "What the hell?" I mumbled approaching him cautiously. "Crowley ... was it you that prayed to me?"

"Of course it was me! Now I know that we're not on the best of terms but I need you to get me out of here." Crowley demanded.

"Why on Earth would I want to help you, Crowley? And who did this?"

"Your monster of a brother that's who! And you should get me out of here because... I have a hand of God."

"Sure you do Crowley and even if you did we have one." He looked surprised at that but I just rolled my eyes, " I'm going to go before I find out what other kinky sit you and my brother do. Bye Crowley." I sassed then disappeared.

Lucifer's Point of View

I trudged downstairs in the bunker, I swear I was going to kill the Winchesters. Water was seeping and coating the stairs when Sam looks up. "Cass? Why are you- wait a second where's Dean?" he questioned worriedly.

"We made the leap, he got on, Ignis and I didn't," I answered not bothering to go into details hoping Sam would leave it at that. Of course, he didn't.

"What? Why?" Sam and the questioning begin again.

"We couldn't make it past the hull. It must have been warded."

"Delphine? It has to be, I mean she's protecting the weapon, right? Cass, just go back to their last port, before she boarded leave a message so Dean knows!" Sam brainstormed. Time travel is draining you know, I mean of course I could go back there as many times as I want but why for a stupid idea like that.

"Where? Where would Dean see it that the crew wouldn't? He's as likely to find the warding as he is any message I'd leave."

"Then send me. You got Dean past the hull." I tried to get it through Sam's thick skull that we would just be adding to the problem so we ended hitting the books. And by we I mean Sam.

Ignis' Point of View

Instead of returning to the bunker, I decided to speak to Delphine before the ship began their voyage. I approached the woman. "Delphine," I whispered. She looked at me in shock before I grabbed her arm and dragged her into a storage room by the dock.

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