Heaven (Part 3)

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I had now turned off my deafening music and I am now watching an odd tv show about four teenagers and their talking dog the animation is quite poor but it's one of the older seasons of the show. Even though it is for children, Dean had had the channel on during a marathon of the show. It was around midnight and they hadn't returned I presumed Castiel joined them later. 

My mind wandered to memories of heaven. My favourite is the time when Gabriel and Lucifer had teamed up against Micheal and Raphael in a prank war which included dyeing each other's wings and ambushing the others with tickles. It was fun to watch my younger brothers play with each other but then they teamed up against me. Gold, purple, blue, red, green and black were the colours of my six wings that erupted from my back after they pranked me; I have no idea how long it took to get the colour out of my wings. They found it hilarious and so did Dad. 

Then Realization hit me. It can never be that way again Gabe and Raph are dead, dad is missing and Mikey and Luci are caged and hate each other. It hurt. It's like having acid spread through your veins a feeling that burned and was everywhere and you couldn't escape it or change it. The loss of my family killed me because they're either dead or have changed so much and there was no reversing it.

Thunder rumbled outside. That was my fault for not being able to control my emotions but I didn't care or at least not enough, now there was a torrential downpour.  

A few hours later, I didn't know what to do Sam and Dean were asleep; Castiel was looking for cases he insisted on looking because "Dean gets restless without something to kill" so I left him to it. 

I have had the idea of returning to heaven to look around for a while now but I always thought it was a bad idea. I mean the angels have no idea who I am and will most likely try to kill me but I wanted to see my home. I decided to ask Castiel for his opinion on the subject.

"Well, the angels aren't fond us but as long as you don't mention your association with me and the Winchesters you should be fine." The angel responded thoughtfully

"Thank you, Castiel. Wish me luck!" I said excitedly. I was going home. After (roughly) 60 billion years I was going home. Finally.

My feet landed on a pristine shiny white marble floor that reflected my vessel. The floor was apart of an equally pristine white hallway with a multitude of doors each with a name of dead human soul that resided inside.

 I opened a door to my left that had the name "Heather Johnson" inside was a woman in her mid-thirties sat on a park bench in the winter watching her husband chase after her child pretending to be a dinosaur, the little kid no older than the age of 7 in hysterics.  The lady never noticed me until I left. She seemed so happy and nieve she was with her loved ones forever, I envied her.

I journeyed through hallways until is was greeted by a light-haired woman in a black suit.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" She asked impatiently drawing her angel blade.

" Shit," I muttered under my breath."My name is Ignis first born archangel." I announced. Angel lady did not look impressed.

"That isn't true Micheal is the firstborn. I have never heard of you before come with me and we will discuss who you are with the others." She demanded and lead me into a conference room with other angels in.

"This angel claims to be the eldest and calls herself Ignis. I don't believe her but I wanted to ask for your opinions." She addressed to the others in the room.

A man approached me and asked, "If you are telling the truth then why have we not heard of you?"

I cleared my throat and began "During the war against the darkness God devised a plan for me to join her but then later betray her and then help lock her up. However, when the time came she dragged me with her now she has been released I am also back," The angels looked at each other, "I can stop her but I need your help to do so."

"What would an archangel like yourself need from us?" Another angel asked sceptically.

"I need to open the cage,"I responded. At that, they seemed sure that I was crazy and they all drew their blades.

"Leave now or we will make you. We do not need your help.". I was now pissed off.

"Fine then!... When you are all dead and someone askes why I didn't help I will say it was because they are stuck up douchebags and thought that they knew best!" I shouted before disappearing in a split second landing in the bunker.

Castiel saw that I was upset and offered me some of Dean's pie they got after a hunt. 

"Nah I'm good if did Dean will kill me. He's possesive over his pie." We chuckled. For an angel, Castiel seems more human, that's probably why he isn't stuck up like the others. He isn't half bad actually.

Sam had just lumbered into the library half-asleep so I started cooking bacon and eggs for everyone. Like I said earlier I like food. Just after I plated up Dean stumbled in with major bags under his eyes similar to the colour of coffee Sam was drinking.

Once everyone woke up, Sam and Dean informed us of how their hunt went and about how even the monsters are worried about the darkness.

"Well, they should be. If the monsters are worried maybe they will help you know. Some vampires, werewolves, shapeshifters maybe we can get a few Leviathans from purgatory. Team anti-darkness!"Queue double Winchester bitch face. "I was kidding. Chill."

"Hey, Ignis could you help me with something?" Sam asked. Causing Dean to get suspicious.

"uh. Yeah sure." I replied confused. Sam led me to his room. He waited for me to enter then shut the door. "What do you need?"

"When the darkness was first released some people were contaminated with something and long story short I got it and nearly died. After asking for a sign I got a vision of when I was in the cage with Lucifer. Yesterday I had another vision with my dad in. Dean thinks that it's nothing but I'm not sure so I thought you might know."

"Uh... I'm not sure but It's a good idea I mean the more power the better you know," Sam's face fell at the fact I didn't know "I'll check it out." He nodded and left I went to my room to think.


Trivia time: Ignis means fire in Latin that's where I got the name from. Also, I'm trying to keep the same-ish timeline of the episodes so this was during and after the episode "Baby". Also, I don't own Supernatural or any of the characters except Ignis, if I did they would play more AC/DC and Led Zeppelin.



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