O Brother Where Art Thou: Part 1 (chapter 6)

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Lucifer's perspective

Any day now. Any day now Sam will come here and let me out. I don't have a plan to fight Amara yet, but my main goal is to get out of here. The visions are working. Soon I'll be free.

Ignis' Perspective

Sam has had more visions and I know now that they're from Lucifer, but I haven't said anything. I need him and Michael out of the cage, we need them out of the cage. Dean seems to deny the visions every time, but I don't blame him, Sam's visions before related to a world-ending event. So they decided to invite Crowley to discuss their idea.

" So, God assured you of this, did he? I'd say you're making this up, but I never think of you as imaginative." Crowley mocked

" We're not saying it's going to happen. We just want to know..."

" theoretically..."

" if it's possible."

" The Cage is a can of worms you do not want to open. I believe this conversation is over..." Crowley snapped his fingers and didn't move

"You're not going anywhere Crowley; this conversation is not over." I interrupted.

"Oh well if it isn't Ignis you're doing an incredible job of opening the cage," Crowley responded, I rolled my eyes.

" Crowley, you know that the Darkness is going to pound on everything and that includes you" Dean warned

" Yeah.  And you had a shot at taking her out when she was with you, but apparently, you thought that sucking up was the way to go." Sam said

"That worked well didn't it" I finished

" Because she chose you. And you couldn't control your girlfriend. What happened in that room? Why did she insist on sparing you?" Crowley asked Dean causing Sam to be confused. " What is she to you?"

"She's God's sister!" I tried to fill in the silence. " So, can Sam meet my brother in the cage or not?"

" No, not in the Cage. That's not going to happen." Dean retorted not wanting to put his baby brother in any more danger he's already in.

" Okay, then I don't meet with Lucifer. Dean, we can't let him out." Sam responded

" There may be a way. Clearly, if Sam enters the Cage he's gone. And yes, it's on my bucket list, now is not the time to be selfish. Need a secure site, a way to neutralise Lucifer's powers." Crowley says

" In Hell?" Sam asks

" Yes, in Hell! So, we have a modicum of control. You think I want that abomination running amuck upstairs?" Crowley bickers " Theoretically it's possible, with challenges. I can arrange for transit into Hell. Opening the Cage, that's another matter."

" You're the King of the joint. Don't you have a key?" Dean asks

" It was sealed by God Himself. Of course, I don't have a key. The mechanisms of the divine manufacturer, I believe its secrets, along with the spells for warding Sam were recorded where many such mysteries are found – the Book of the Damned."

Now we were waiting for Crowley mother who happens to be the most powerful witch ever and has the Book of the Damned. She appears to be a woman with long red hair and had a very powerful vibe.

" Oh, you're not handing me over to them. It's beneath even you. They're your enemies as well. " Rowena fussed, then turning to face me asked, "And who is this?"

" All right Rowena. We get it. We all enemies, okay. But right now, we've got bigger fish to fry. Then we can go back to killing each other. Also, the chick is Ignis"

"Wow thank you, Dean, for that warming introduction. My name is Ignis I'm the eldest archangel who was locked away with the darkness and since the mark was removed she's back and so am I."

"Oh yes, the darkness, Amara."

"So, you know?"

" I've heard whispers. As bad as they say?"

" Well, let's just say that everyone in this room might hold a piece of the puzzle to corking it back up." We explain to her our plan

" Can this be true? His sister! In my day we'd all be burned at the stake for even thinking any of this. Well, if my deciphering of the Book is so pivotal, I'd like to know what's in it for me."

" You mean, other than your life?" Dean threatened.

" Speaking of which, I'll make you a little deal Mommy. You pitch in like a good girl; I'll call off my assassins. No more looking over your shoulder, for now."

" I'll need the Codex, of course. And the code-breaker Charlie devised."

"Yeah, you'll get limited access. Supervised. We need to know exactly this – how to open the Cage and how to protect Sam once it is"

" Just what's in this cage that's so dangerous?" Rowena asked

" Lucifer," Sam answered

" Lucifer? The original Dark Prince?" Rowena practically squealed.

" Yes, an arch-angel so bad-assed that he was personally dumped into the Cage by God himself," Dean replied bitterly.

" Well, let's get to it then lads." She beamed happily, I could use this for my plan. Sam, Dean and Crowley left the room discussing Rowena.

"Rowena could I talk to you, in private." I place my hand on her shoulder and teleported her to a small town in England called Abingdon. She looked around us as we appeared in the small market town. "Why were you so happy when Sam told you it was Lucifer he wanted to meet?"

"Well he is the dark lord after all" Rowena replied; I chuckled "What do you find funny?"

"Well he is my little brother, not the youngest obviously but that's Gabe. I always thought of him as my little brother, I know Gabey looked up to him but that's different. I've always seen him as my little brother," I replied," It's odd seeing him from another point of view."

" He is still your little brother. Was there another reason you wanted to talk?" Rowena asked

"Yes actually, we need to open the cage. Do you mind us changing the plan a little?" I suggested.

"Why of course. I suppose this needs to stay between us girlies."

"Definitely, they wouldn't agree with our plan. If you do this, I'll help you with whatever except killing my brothers of course. I'll watch you, so Sam or Dean don't mess with this. Do we have a Deal?" I raise my hand expectantly.

"A deal it is" We shook hands then I teleported us back.


Just a quick note for this chapter. I'm skipping to the episode "O Brother, Where Art Thou". This is only the first part since I've had to add and tweak things. Also, Abingdon (The image) is a town near where I live so I thought to include it in the story. I don't own Supernatural or any of its characters except Ignis. If I did there would be an episode of the Archangel as fledgelings.



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