The bunker (Chapter 2)

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Whoosh! I had landed in the bunker after a little while of searching. It had the aroma of beer and old books with a very woody, homely feel. Beer bottles sat upon tables, all empty beside books about curses. After a look around I deemed the place empty, the Winchesters were not there but I can tell that they are living here from the S.W and D.W carved into the table, so I must wait. 

I do what every person does and I look through the kitchen for food and decide to have a leftover burrito to eat

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I do what every person does and I look through the kitchen for food and decide to have a leftover burrito to eat. Yes, I know angels don't eat but I'm bored. Reading through hundreds of books about things I probably already know didn't appeal to me, at the moment at least. After nosing through the bunker I had found a record player and decided to play the first record that was there in this case it was Led Zeppelin. So now I'm sat with my boots on the table eating a burrito, listening to Led Zepplin in the "safest place on Earth".

An angel had entered the bunker; nearly fell down the stairs. He looked terrible. I cautiously approached him. When I got close enough I helped him stand up properly and healed him of what seemed to a nasty curse.

"Hey... are you alright?"I asked softly

"Umm... Yes, I am now thank you. How did you do that?" he asked the last part curiously, tilting his head.

"My name is Ignis. You're Castiel correct?" I stated.

"yes, I am. How come I have never heard of you before?" His voice now full of conviction. He now had an angel blade in is hand.

"I'm an archangel, the eldest actually. Just before the darkness was locked up she took me with her. Now that she is out so am I. my brothers didn't mention me because it must have hurt. I mean this was before everything like the fall so it must have been hard to lose their big sister" I explained but Castiel did not look convinced. "I want to help fight the darkness. I'm on your side."

"We need all the help we can get and I trust you but Sam and Dean might think otherwise."

"Cool.  I was speaking to Crowley earlier, he is the one who told me about the bunker, and he didn't believe in the darkness so I guess not many people know about it then."

"The angels know from alarms in heaven but I'm not sure about demons. Why did you go to Crowley?"

"Uhh... well."I sighed "I wanted to get my brothers out of that gruesome cage because they can help!" I stated when Castiel was about to contradict I continued "I don't care what other people think they're my brothers. Fine, I haven't seen them in forever and I know they have changed but they're my brothers!" I started sobbing and fell to the floor hugging my knees. Awkwardly Castiel comforted me when the Winchesters showed up.

"Who the hell are you?" The shorter one, Dean, shouted ripping Castiel away picking me up by the throat.

"Big mistake," I thought every feeling of sadness washed away by anger. I paralysed Dean after throwing him into a wall on the far side of the room. His brother who had shot me in the shoulder seconds after I catapulted Dean was greeted with a low pitched growl. Then his knees buckled and he started coughing up his own blood.

"Ignis stop!" Castiel shouted as I freed Dean and healed Sam.

Dean climbed to his feet and asked: "What are you?"

"My name is Ignis, the eldest archangel. I was locked away with the darkness until you three morons let her out. "  I  announced to them.

After an awkward few minutes of silence, Dean looked at Sam and nodded to the kitchen "Give us a second." he said before leaving the room with Sam.

When the Winchesters came back after a long discussion about me, they had agreed on working with me since they needed all the help they could get and filled us in on what had happened.

"So you believe that Amara is the darkness and she's... a baby," I stated uneasily with the idea of such an evil horrid thing being a pure innocent child.

"We are trying to find Metatron, the scribe of God to see if he knows anything. At the moment he's human so it shouldn't be too difficult. We could also use Rowena because she could be of use especially with the Book of the Damned."

"Cool, sounds like a plan. Castiel and I can see if we can find Metatron. You two try to find Rowena. Maybe we could find a spell to summon her." The boys nodded seconds before Castiel and I took off.

Now it was the early hours of the morning Dean was slumped over a book surrounded by beer bottles, Sam passed out beside his laptop equally surrounded by empty bottles. We glanced at each other and put them into their beds hoping they don't mind being left in their clothes. It reminded me of when I  used to take care of my brothers when they were little especially Mike and Luci. I smiled at the memory of them when they were tiny. Now they hated each other and there was nothing I could do.

The Winchesters had gone to find a witch that Rowena had recently spoken to hoping she could reveal her location while Castiel searched for Metatron online. I, however, was listening to music in one of the spare bedrooms I have claimed. Humans have done some incredible things but I believe their music is the best each song is different and can represent hundreds of emotions in a space of a few minutes. So I played music as loud as possible it's not like Castiel would mind.

Castiel's Point of View 

After hours of searching the internet, I had found speed camera footage with Metatron talking to a woman in the background. She must know something. So I went to where the footage was taken. 

She was now walking home so now would be the perfect time to question her. I approached her and asked to talk but she ran. While chasing after her Dean tackled me.

"Cass, what the hell are you doing?" Dean questioned 

"She had seen Metatron a few weeks ago I thought she might have known something but she ran so I followed her," I replied

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"I thought I could handle it myself it seems I can not." 

Dean walked with me back to the Impala. Seemingly Rowena was with them but now she has gone.

"Sam where's Rowena gone?" Dean asked clearly pissed off.

"She ran and when I caught her she used magic to throw me to the end of the road. I couldn't find her afterwards."

"Well isn't that just brilliant! Come on Cass get in the car!"


It's the second chapter! Yay! This is my first fanfiction so it might not be good. I have had to change parts of the story so it would work for example now Cass doesn't have the curse instead of him attacking the girl I had to change it so it wasn't too different to season 11 plot. Also, I don't own any of the characters except Ignis who I made up. If I did own supernatural  Charlie in the normal universe would be alive!!



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