Wrestling and demon deals(Chapter 15)

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Lucifer's patience eventually gave up and he had found a way to get the Hand of God from Crowley.

"Simmons will let Crowley out, they will go to where ever it is kept; I show up and take it. Simple yet he'll never know." Luci summarised. Sam and Dean were on a hunt something to do with wrestling, so Lucifer decided it would be a good time to tell me his plan.

"Sounds good," I analysed. We fell into a comfortable silence for a few minutes broken by my voice. "I thought the gravestone was sweet." He looked shocked for a split second then covered it with an emotionless expression.

"I don't know what you're on about Ignis are you sure you didn't dream about it?" He asked. I pulled out my phone from my jean pocket and showed him the picture.

"I don't dream" I added.

"How... how did you find that? I thought nobody could visit them anymore." He was surprised and confused it was clear in his voice. His wings twitched.

"Well I did, and it was the sweetest thing I have ever seen." I smiled.

"It was a long time ago but that's not important so, do you want to join in on the plan?" He asked changing the subject.

"Subtle," I murmured, now speaking up I answered, "I think you can handle it, Luci"

"I thought I asked you to stop calling me that," He responded laughing.

"I don't think you ever did." I chuckled. A buzz from my pocket alerted me.

Could you help us with our case if you're not busy?

"Gotta go, Luci, I'm being summoned," I said before disappearing.

I appeared in a dirty motel room with a startled Sam and Dean, muttering something about 'you could have called first. They summed up what had happened. To my understanding, people turn up dead every stop on a moving wrestling group thing, this one guy is a douche and gets kidnapped by this guy, but the thing is on all the bodies is this symbol which is an ancient Sumerian mark known to "pluck the spark of life," so we worked it was souls. Also, none of the wrestlers are demons however they're not 100% on the guy douche who got kidnapped but are pretty sure.

"So, you want me to find them?" I asked simply, more like stated,

"Yeah, can you do it?" Sam asked I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, of course, I could they're human.

"Names?" I hoped they knew their names, it made it easier to track them.

"Harley and Gunner, will that be eno-?" Dean informed me. Before he could finish we were in an abandoned warehouse. 'Original' I thought. Dark, dirty and deserted. It was always these places. Harley was littered in freshly opened cuts, he was dead. Above him stood Gunner a blood smothered blade in his hand. I sensed something.

"Demon, 10 o' clock." I whisper-shouted to the brothers. They faced the demon gun and knife out.

"So much for a surprise," with a flick of a wrist he threw them against a wall. "Oh, and another Angel buddy, where's your boyfriend, Dean? Oh well, doesn't matter." I noticed his bloody hand too late as he banished me. Throwing me back into heaven, great.

Dean's point of View

In a flash of blinding light, Ignis was gone. Son of a bitch must have banished her. I pulled myself up and helped Sammy do the Same. Why was Gunner doing this? He didn't need some demon deal to win. At least I think it was deal. "It's my fault. You get your hopes up. You want an L.A. 10, but you settle for a Kansas 5. Life, right? The name's..." The demon mocked, interrupted by Sam.

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