The Christmas Surprise

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It had been three months since the tour had started, and two weeks since it had ended. It had been some of the best three months of my life, I never knew I could have so much fun touring.

Now that his first tour had ended, we had three months till the next one started in March, and Harry basically begged me to continue to tour with him, which I happily agreed to.

But now it was Christmas eve, and Harry had invited Jeremy and I to attend some fancy Christmas party with a ton of other celebrities. I think he mostly did it because he felt bad for Jeremy and wanted to show him that there were no hard feelings between them.

We arrived at the huge mansion and I immediately felt underdressed. I wore a deep red dress that was fitting around my chest and flared at my hips, paired with my go-to black flats (I may have been short but I did not do heels). I had had this dress for years and always wore it to Christmas parties, but now I felt like I should have put on something fancier.

The house was huge, almost like a castle.

"Who's party did he says this was again?" Jeremy asked as we walked up the steps.

I shrugged. "He didn't."

We opened the door and walked inside and I was instantly relieved. The clothes people wore were similar to mine, as in semi-formal, not formal ball gowns and tuxedos like I had been fearing.

My mouth dropped at the amount of celebrities I recognized.

We were both so in awe that we stood frozen in the doorway. I relaxed a little once I saw a familiar face, standing alone, looking more terrified than I felt.

"Grace!" I called, running over to her, leaving Jeremy to follow behind.

She looked up and broke into a huge grin when she saw me. "Oh my gosh!" We hugged and started chatting excitedly. I introduced her to Jeremy, they shook hands.

Grace and I texted all the time, especially while I was on tour. Niall has started his first tour, Flicker Sessions, in August a little before I went on tour, so I always texted and called her when I could to keep her company, we had become the best of friends over the past few months.

"Where is Niall?" I questioned, looking around her.

She shrugged, looking around hopelessly. "Some guy came over and started talking to him. He basically forced him to walk away with him. Niall just told me he would try and come back as quickly as possible." She sighed. "It's been only a few minutes."

I laughed. "Oh, all right. Hey so, do you know who's party this is? Harry invited us, but he never said who."

She looked around, almost to make sure no one was listening before leaning in slightly. "Niall didn't tell me, but judging by what I've heard the past few minutes, I think it's Simon Cowell's party."

My eyes widened. "No way. Why would Harry and Niall go to a party of Simon Cowell's?"

She shrugged. "Wasn't he the one who formed them?"

I nodded. "Harry said he doesn't want anything to do with that man. That's why he switched managements after the band took their break."

For a while I always referred to the band as broken up, but Harry would always get mad at me when I said that. He reminded me of Ross because he was always saying, 'We're on a break!' The same way he always said it on the show. I was always careful with my wording after that.

Grace shrugged. "Again I don't know, it's just what I've heard."

"Have you seen Harry at all tonight?" I asked, looking around for the tall, curly haired boy.

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