The Call

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It was two in the morning and I was laying on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. I had only been home three hours, but it felt like days.

I wasn't sure how to feel. Jeremy cheated on me. With someone I thought was my sort of friend.

I rolled over and picked my phone up from my nightstand, scrolling through the hundreds of messages Jeremy had sent me. I was scrolling through my contacts, trying to find someone I could talk to.

I stopped when I got to the H's. I had almost forgotten Liam had given me his number, I had to do a double take when I saw Harry's name on my screen.

I clicked on his name and started to type a message.

'Hey Harry, it's me, Anna :) x.' I quickly deleted it and stared at the keyboard. "Why am I overthinking this?" I asked myself aloud. "It's just Harry."

I typed out a new text and hit send before I could think too much about it.

I didn't expect him to respond, I had no idea where in the world he was, which meant it could be any time for him.

But I proved myself to be wrong when my screen lit up with his name.

Him: 'OH MY GOODNESS ANNA!! You're alive! Hello, I've missed you so much!'

Me: 'I've missed you too! How are you?'

Him: 'I'm doing pretty well. Enjoying the break, hanging out a lot with my family in London. You?

I hesitated, wondering if I should tell him what happened. 'Im doing okay, my career is finally starting to sort of take off!

Him: 'That's wonderful!! I'm so excited for you. But why just okay?'

Me: 'I'm just in a rough spot right now.. Nothing seems to be going my way'

Him: 'No! That's upsetting to hear. Do you want to talk about it? I know we haven't talked in years but I'm always here for you ❤️'

Did he just send me a heart? I tried not to overthink it as I replied. 'I don't want to bother you.'

Him: 'Anna, you know it wouldn't be bothering me. I miss talking to you anyway. Are you still living in Sheffield?'

Me: 'No, I'm actually living in LA now! I moved here a few years ago.'

I saw the typing bubble appear and then disappear at least six times. After what felt like an eternity he finally sent a message. 'Oh'

I sighed, laughing at how cliché he was. "Typing for minutes and all he could say was 'oh'."

I was about to type a reply when my phone started buzzing and Harry's name appeared along with "would like to Facetime"

I nearly dropped my phone from the shock of the buzz, but I scrambled to keep it in my hands as I slid to answer, quickly wiping at the tears on my face and sitting up, turning on the lamp by my bed.

"Hiiiii!" He said, giving me a huge grin and a wave. His hair was long, almost the same length as mine, and he wore a red button up shirt.

"Hi," I hadn't realized how scratchy my voice'd be.

"Have you been crying?" He questioned, concern taking away his excited look.

Seeing him made something inside me break, the tears returned and next thing I knew I was crying. "He- ch-cheated on m-me." I spluttered, letting my face fall into the hand not holding the phone.

"What?!" He asked. "Who?"

"Jeremy." I mumbled into my hand.

"The same guy you brought to the concert?"

I simply nodded.

I heard a door open and Harry shout for his mum.

I looked up to see Harry wandering around a house.

He spoke to someone, his words quiet and difficult for me to hear.

The look on his face showed me he hadn't gotten what he'd wanted.

"Harry?" I asked, curious as to what was going on.

After a few more exchanges with his mum he walked away, letting out a huge sigh as he started to talk to me again. "Sorry about that." He went back into the room he was in before and closed the door.

He asked for the story, so I told him about Coachella.

He was frustrated, I could tell. Whether it was about the conversation with his mum, or my story, or both, I couldn't tell.

"And he won't stop texting me, trying to explain-"

"You're not going to take him back, are you?"

I shrugged. "I don't know..."

"Annalise, he cheated on you. You couldn't possibly consider-"

"Harry, we've been together for three years and this is the first time he's ever done something like I can't honestly say I'm not considering giving him a second chance. Besides, he was drunk-"

"That's no excuse-"

"Harry!" I exclaimed, getting frustrated with his constant interrupting. "I know Jenny, and I know Jeremy. He's more of a smoker than a drinker, so if he was drinking she probably pressured him into it."

He sighed, finally seeming to be out of words to speak. After a long pause he finally spoke. "It's your decision."

I could see his anger, even though he was trying to hide it.
"I should probably go," I said. "I need to get some sleep."
"Alright," he said slowly.
"Goodbye, Harry."

I literally changed my cousins contact name to Harry Styles and then told her to facetime me just so I could get the chapter heading picture

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