The 12 of April, 2010

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"You're not going."

I rolled my eyes, gathering my things and starting for the door.
"I swear Annalise you walk out that door and you're not welcome back in this house."
"Maybe that's what I want!" I yelled, finally turning around to face him. I was shocked by my own words.
"You're fifteen. You have no talent. Have fun making a fool of yourself in front of thousands of people. When you get home I'm not going to take any pity on you."
"I'm well aware, dad." My eyes were glued to my feet. I couldn't look up. I turned and opened the front door, letting the cold April wind blow back my hair, like it was pushing away all my doubts and insecurities as I walked through the door. I made sure to slam it shut.
I caught the bus, sitting and thinking intently about everything. Was I crazy to do this? What if he was right...what if I really don't have any talent, and it's all in my head? No. You can't let him get to you. He doesn't control you. You're strong and nothing he says is true. You know this.
I sighed, trying to take deep breaths and not think too much about this.
I got lined up behind tons of other contestants. I took a deep breath, craning my neck to see around all the tall people surrounding me.
I heard a staff member shouting things at those in line. Reminding them what they needed to have for sign ins. I had all my paperwork and such with me, filled out and ready to go.
"Don't forget eighteen and younger must be accompanied to the audition by an adult of twenty one years or older!"
My mouth dropped open and my heart sank. "No," I said, a sob escaping my throat. This couldn't be happening. This couldn't be real. I'd worked so hard, come all this way. But the one thing holding me back now was that I didn't have a supportive parent.
"Excuse me?" I asked the person in front of me. "Will you hold my spot? I have to ask a staff member something."
They nodded and I ran over to the member who'd made the announcement. "Excuse me, sir. Is there any exception to the minor rule? Do we have to have an adult?"
He nodded. "Yes. Sorry miss. No exceptions."
My shoulders drooped and I turned to walk away, letting my long blond hair fall down to cover my face so no one could see my silent tears. It was a trick I had learned when I was ten. It was the only way to hide the pain.
"Excuse me, dear."
I looked up to see a woman standing in front of me, her hand resting on my shoulder. She had thin brown hair a little past her shoulders. She had a fairly tan complexion with blue-green eyes. She had one of those faces that just radiated kindness, the kind you didn't come across often, but when you did you knew it was genuine. She had a pair of sunglasses on top of her head, and she wore a white T-shirt with words on it that I couldn't read, paired with jeans.
"Whatever is the matter?" She inquired, concern distorting her beautiful face structure.
And I didn't know why, but in that moment I told this woman my problem.
"Well where are your parents?" She'd asked once I finished.
"They're not very...supportive of this dream." I admitted sheepishly.
"Well dear, it just says you must have a legal adult. It never said anything about it being a parent or guardian. Come wait in line with us."
My eyes widened. "Are you? You're serious?"
She nodded, giving me a warm smile. "Of course, dear. I wouldn't want anyone to miss out on an opportunity like this because of some silly rule. Please, join us. We're close to the front of the line." She wrapped an arm around my shoulders and led me to her spot in line.
"We've adopted someone for the day!" She announced to her group.
There was a girl who looked slightly older than me. She had long, straight, dark brown hair. She was clearly the woman's daughter. She had the same kind face, only slightly paler and brown eyes. She wore the same white shirt as her mum, which I could now read, "We think Harry has the X Factor" she paired it with a blue cardigan and a jean skirt and sandals. She gave me a smile and a wave.
"That's my daughter, Gemma. This is my son, Harry, who's also auditioning."
I tried not to blush when I looked at him. He gave me a cheeky grin. He had perfectly tanned skin and a gorgeous smile, showing off his perfect teeth and adorable dimples. He had breathtaking emerald green eyes and brown curls piled on top of his head in a sort of, disheveled, yet adorable way. He wore a plain white shirt with a grey cardigan over, his sleeves pushed up to his elbows. He had on an olive green scarf with a pattern I couldn't seem to focus enough on to see what it was. To complete the ensemble he had baggy black pants and black sneakers.
"Hi." His voice was low and sent a chill down my spine. He was insanely cute.
"Oh, and my name is Anne." She added, laughing at the fact she'd forgotten. "And uh, what was your name?"
I was about to respond when they yelled, "Next!"
"Oh! Mum that's us." Gemma exclaimed, pushing Harry forward in excitement.
Their whole group rushed forward, who I wasn't introduced to. I felt so out of place. So many people had come with them to support Harry, I had no one. I started getting insanely self conscious.
"You all take Harry in, I'll meet you in there once she gets checked in!" Anne said, ushering her children and the rest of their party inside.
She helped me get everything in order without any problems.
After that there was no time for socializing. Everything was rushed and pushed. People came on and off stage and we waited our turn.
Somehow it ended up that I went on right before Harry. Which was perfect because then I didn't have to make Anne wait around for me after Harry had already performed.
It was my turn, I took a deep breath and tried to swallow my fears and walked out onto the stage. I felt almost blinded by the lights as I stopped in front of the judges.
"Hello there, what's your name?" Simon Cowell asked.
That man made me insanely nervous. He was one of the most critical of all reality show judges. I gulped. "Annalise." I had decided not to include my last name in my stage name. I hadn't considered that to be a part of my name for a long time.
"Alright, Annalise. How old are you?"
"I'm fifteen." I said, nervously. Knowing that I had to really up my game if I wanted to be on here this young.
"When do you turn sixteen, if you don't mind me asking?"
I let out a small chuckle. "Um, tomorrow, actually."
He raised his eyebrows. "Well, happy birthday then."
"Thank you."
"What are you going to be singing for us today?"
"Breathe by Anna Nalick."
They seemed impressed. "Take it away."
I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath before starting.
I remembered every word, and as far as I'd noticed I didn't mess up on the notes.
When I finished I looked at the judges. They all had surprised looks on their faces.
"Annalise I'm going to be honest..." Simon started. "That was not what I was expecting at all."
"He means that in a good way," Nicole chimed in. "For someone as small as you, to have a voice that big. Wow. Just wow, I'm speechless honestly."
Tears welled up in my eyes. "Thank you. Oh my gosh."
I got three yes' and I felt a tear escape my eye and fall down my cheek. "Thank you." I said, before covering my mouth with my hand. I waved to them all and exited the stage.
They called Harry out right after me. "That was gorgeous!" Anne said. "Harry's got some real competition."
Gemma laughed. "Mom are you kidding me? She's way out of his league, he doesn't stand a chance compared to her!"
I couldn't hold in my laugh.
Anne waved a dismissive hand at her daughters remarks. "They're both wonderful singers, Gemma. Now let's support your brother."
A worker escorted me out after Harry had finished his performance. I learned that he was sixteen, he worked at a bakery on Saturdays, and that he was from Holmes Chapel.
He performed Isn't She Lovely by Stevie Wonder. And all I could think was: This boy has taste!! He sang it beautifully, and I almost yelled when he only got two yeses. He deserved all three, but at least he still made it through.

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