The Proposal

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"Happy birthday!"
I smiled through the camera. "Thank you!" I said as he started to sing. "Oh, Harry, nooo!" I laughed. I hated being sung to on my birthday.
He continued anyway, singing at the top of his beautiful voice.
I shook my head, but I was laughing. "I can't believe you actually just did that." I laughed, once he'd finally finished.
He simply grinned his contagious grin. "Oh, hey," he started, his face turning serious. "I'm assuming you heard about my album coming out, yeah?"
"Narcissist." I coughed, giving him a playful look as I crossed my legs, sitting down on my bed.
He rolled his eyes. "Hey, this benefits you, too."
"Yes I heard about the album. Super exciting! I'm proud of you." I blew a stray piece of hair out of my eyes.
He gave me a knowing smile.
"What's that look for?" I laughed, somewhat nervously.
"So once the album is released I'm going to be going on tour." He said this with that sort of tone like 'I'm leading up to something'.

Not going to lie I was insanely curious and slightly nervous and confused. I thought this whole hiatus was to spend time with family and chill out? Did this mean there would be no more One Direction? My eyes widened. "I thought this hiatus was to take a break from touring?"
He shook his head. "Never mind that, not the point. I'm going to be going on tour, and I wanted you to be my opener."
My mouth dropped open, my previous thoughts and confusion completely forgotten. "Wait, actually?"
He nodded.
"Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed, jumping up, standing on my bed. I couldn't help but let out a small squeal. "I would love to! Harry that'd be a dream come true."
He chuckled. "That makes me happy to hear you say that."
"I have to call Jeremy and tell him the news! I've got to go. Thank you Harry! Thank you, thank you!"
"Happy birthday," he laughed before we hung up. I quickly dialed Jeremy's number, jumping off my bed and running into the living room.
"Come over! Right now!" I exclaimed, quickly hanging up before he could respond.
Within moments he was walking in the door. "You realize I still live across the street, right?" He laughed.
I bounced on my feet, clutching my phone in between my hands, which were under my chin. "Guess what?!"
He gave me a skeptical look, shifting his weight to one side nervously. "...what?"
"You remember Harry, right?" I asked, the grin on my face growing wider and wider by the second.
"Yeah," he said slowly.
I hurriedly explained everything.
He looked genuinely shocked. "You're going to go on tour? With him?"
My smile fell. "Why'd you say it like that?"
"Nothing," he dismissed it, waving his hand through the air as if he were swatting away a fly. "I don't think you should go."
My face fell into despair as I pocketed my phone. "No, no. Why? Jeremy this is like a dream come true!" I walked closer to him, trying to plead my case. "You can't tell me not to do it. I need you to be supportive!"
"I don't trust him. I don't think you should be going on a tour around the world with a guy who isn't your boyfriend." He crossed his arms over his chest.
I took notice and tried to one up him. I crossed my arms as well. "Jeremy isn't getting jealous, now is he?"
He rolled his eyes, letting his arms drop to his sides.
"Jeremy we've been together for the past five years!" I held up five fingers for extra emphasis. "I have been nothing but loyal to you, you can't honestly think I'd ever..." My voice trailed off, unsure of whether I wanted to finish my sentence.
"It's him I don't trust! Not you." He said, crossly.
"Jeremy, you have to realize that you can't stop me from going." I stated, firmly.
He seemed almost shocked. "Fine, but if he tries anything, you're coming straight home."
"Alright! Deal." I uncrossed my arms, throwing my hands into the air.

He stood there awkwardly, shoving his hands in his pockets. I sighed. He was now uncomfortable and wanted to leave to smoke.

"So," I started, trying to change the subject. "what are the plans for today?"

"Oh, well I was just gonna go to the club with the boys later today." His hands stayed in his pockets.

"Oh..." I wasn't sure how to respond to that. Did he forget? I ran a hand through my hair. "You didn't plan anything for tonight? With me?"

He shook his head, clearly confused. "No, was I supposed to?"

My heart sunk. He did forget.
"No," I quickly covered up. "I just wanted to make sure." I gave him a quick smile, hoping I fooled him.
He gave me an odd look, before shrugging and turning to the door. I fooled him. "Well, I should probably be going, then. I'll see you later, babe."
"Bye," I gave a small wave as he left my apartment.
Once he closed the door I fell into the couch, pulling out my phone as I felt it vibrate. I smiled as I saw Liam's name on the screen.
'Happy birthday Ann! How's your day been so far?'
'Thanks Liam! It's been okay...Jeremy forgot :/' I responded, setting my phone on my lap as I watched the little typing bubble bounce up and down.

The text finally went through. 'I'm sorry, thats not fun :('

I sighed. "Yes Liam, not fun indeed."

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