The Surprise

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I was still slightly upset at the fact my boyfriend forgot about my birthday, but I tried to not let it bother me as I made myself my favorite lunch meal, Kraft Mac & Cheese. Americans knew how to do it right.

I was jamming out to some Ed Sheeran when I heard my phone go off with a text. I quickly wiped my hands on a towel and grabbed my phone off the counter, seeing a text from Liam.

'Hey, meet at this address as soon as possible.' Below the text was an address about twenty minutes away.

I re read that text at least a hundred times. "What?" I said aloud. After realizing I needed to respond I quickly typed. 'Alright...I'll be there in like a half an hour?'

Liam responded within an instant. 'Perfect, see you then x.'

I couldn't help but think of the song, making me laugh. I quickly turned off the stove, grateful I hadn't put the noodles in yet. I emptied the pot of boiling water into the sink and quickly ran to my room to change.


I pulled up to some fancy, yet humble, white beach house a little south of LA, right by Long Beach.

I parked my car and hesitantly got out, walking up to the door and giving it a knock.

Within a few moments the door swung open to reveal Harry, and I felt my breath hitch in the back of my throat. I hadn't seen him in person in four years. Granted, I'd seen him over facetime, but something about seeing him in person was so different.

"Happy birthday!" He wrapped his long arms around me.

I always knew I was short, but hugging Harry made me feel absolutely tiny. He had gotten so tall. When he hugged me my head barely reached his chest. I could hear his heartbeat, and couldn't help but notice it was beating incredibly fast, like he had ran to the door or something.

"Is this your house?" I asked when we pulled away from the hug.

He nodded. "Yeah it is, come in!" He led me through the door. When you first walked in there was a clear staircase facing the front door, right in the center of the entryway hallway. He led me down the hall, past the staircase, leading into the kitchen/living room. The right side was the living room, and the left was the kitchen.

It was right then that I noticed them. "Surprise!" Liam, Harry, and Niall all shouted.

"Happy birthday Annalise." Liam gave me a grin.

My mouth opened wide. "Oh my gosh! You guys are amazing."

On the kitchen counter was a cake and some balloons that said 'happy birthday' on them in big, sparkly, rainbow colored letters.

"Liam told us what happened with Jeremy," Niall started. "So we're throwing you a party of our own!"

My hands flew to my mouth. "You guys are so sweet."

"It was Harry's idea." Liam gave me a wink, which I pretended to not notice.

I turned to Harry. "Oh my goodness, thank you so much Harry, you have no idea how much this means to me."

He waved a dismissive hand. "Anything for my best friend. Louis and the girls will be here soon also."

"The girls?" I questioned.

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