Chapter 10: The Latest Challenge

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"Hi Ocean, do you have a minute," Olympia wondered once they entered the Creature Room.

"Normally I would, but I've been dealing with this wild, plant thing. I've never seen anything like it. I think the flowers shoot out needle things with poison," Ocean shared, causing Olympia to wince slightly.

"Yeah... We know about that plant... We actually need help with another problem. There's a stampede of animals in town."

"What kind of animals? Are they dangerous creatures," Ocean wondered.

"Um..." She wasn't sure how to answer.

"They're animals native to the jungle. We need them put under control, so that they don't harm anyone. Last time we saw them was at the local grocery store," Otis cut in.

"I wish I could help you out, but I deal more with odd creatures. Plus plants," Ocean added.

"Please, Ocean, it would really help out a lot. I'm sure you could use some of your creature skills on them," Olympia pleaded.

"Tell you what. I'll go see what I can do, but someone has to take care of this plant."

"We will," Olympia spoke almost too quickly, but he didn't seem to notice.

"Cool," he grinned, beginning to exit the room. Suddenly Oona attacked him in a big hug, surprising everyone.

After she pulled away she looked at everyone defensively. "What?! It's dangerous out there!"

"No worries, dudette, Ocean knows how to keep safe from creatures," he assured her, before really leaving that time.

It wasn't long before Oona was rolling the dice, the game situated on the hallway beside the railing upstairs.

"Seriously?! A one and a two?!" Oona had been desperately hoping for that lucky twelve.

Otis smiled weakly at her, "It's okay."

The brunette nodded a little before almost groaning, before reading the new message.

"We pull you in, but you do not drown

Instead you just keep sinking, down, down, down..."

"What," breathed Oona, gasping when she suddenly was going through the now soft floor. "Ah!"

"Hurry! Grab onto her," shouted Olympia, her getting Oona's arm, while Otis grabbed her other one. Oscar and Opie were nearby, doing their best not to step onto the wobbly ground.

"Help me," Oona said softly, too terrified to yell out, as her legs dangled precariously towards the floor below.

"Hurry! Someone take their turn! Maybe it will stop this," Otis exclaimed.

"That's me," realized Opie loudly, grasping the die right away, and rolling them without hesitation.

It did fix the problem, only now Oona's shoulders were stuck in the re-hardened floor.

Otis and Olympia still held onto her just in case.

Opie had forgotten to read the words in all the commotion, seeing that they had vanished as soon as he remembered.

All of their heart rates sped up though, as they detected scurrying across the wood nearby.

"Did you guys hear something...," Oscar hesitantly trailed off slowly.

They all gasped or yelled out when at least a dozen, large, black, hairy spiders with a red spot on their backs showed up.

Otis and Olympia reluctantly let go of Oona, prepared to battle the latest challenge.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter. As always, please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you so much! (:

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