Chapter 8: Close To The End?

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"The game," shouted Oona, once they all had moved a few feet.

"Oona! No!" Hearing her friend deciding to turn back, caused Olympia to finally snap out of her daze.

The fearless scientist wasn't listening though, grasping the object, just as an elephant's tusk was only twenty feet away, and approaching rapidly.

"Quick! Over here," called out Opie, as he sloshed through the shallow creek next to them. The creatures were only hurrying on the side they were currently on. Oona splashed up a ton of water as she hurried across, causing Otis to struggle to see anything as he followed with Olympia.

They all were breathing heavily, as they witnessed the stampede not that far away.

Olympia hadn't realized that she was leaning against Otis, her heart rate the highest out of all of them. She had never experienced that level of fear, not even when battling Odd Squad villains. This was a different kind of scenario, where instead of them turning into teddy bears or puppets, they could be killed.

"It's okay, partner. I've got you." Otis attempted to soothe her, as he used a soft, calming tone.

"I don't blame you, Olympia. This game is terrifying," Oona contributed, noticing how scared her friend was.

"Thanks, Oona...," Olympia mumbled near Otis's shoulder.

"We should keep going, and playing the game," Opie dreaded to inform them.

Otis nodded his head some, taking the dice into one of his hands, his other arm still wrapped around Olympia. He couldn't help but hold his breath, as he learned what his turn had in store.

"You can't see me, but there's no mistake

I shake up the earth, and you can't escape."

"It's an earthquake, isn't it," Oona asked, not seeming to be fazed much by these horrible happenings anymore.

"Sounds like it," Otis replied, and their theory was proven right, as they struggled to keep standing. "Where should we go?"

"I don't know! Away from here," Oona half-asked.

"We have to get out in the open!" Opie had swooped in with a save.

Oona, Olympia, and Otis agreed, finally discovering a clearing where it was only a field filled with yellow dandelions.

After a grueling ten minutes, the ground had finally stopped shaking, and everything was still again.

"So glad that's over," Otis said.

The others nodded in agreement, all except for Oona who was staring down at the game. "Can't we take a break? I mean..."

They all gave her a look full of sympathy, since they were aware that no matter how painful it was, they needed to complete this as soon as possible.

Oona sighed softly, hanging her head as she took out the game. "Fine... Is anyone close to the end?"

Otis's eyes widened as he smiled happily, answering, "You only have twelve spaces left. If you roll a double of sixes, then you can win."

"Wait, don't we go twice if we roll doubles," Olympia wondered.

"Yes, but none of us has done that yet," Oona commented. She then inhaled deeply before exhaling, closing her eyes as she tossed the forbidding cubes into the air.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter. (: Let me know what you think of the story so far. I'm grateful for all of the nice comments that I've gotten. Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thanks! (:

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