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Jack was gone.

Someone had to go find him. Without him, as much as I hate to admit it, the strike was going to fall apart. Jack had that kind of charisma that made people look to him as a leader and if Jack wasn't here to lead the strike then we were going to descend into chaos.

After Race discovered an empty rooftop the next morning, a group of us gathered downstairs arguing various theories about where he is. I tuned out everyone after Race's first outlandish theory, deciding that my time was better spent with my eyes closed, leaning against the wall with my arms crossed.

A half asleep but jabbering Albert, an antsy and anxious Race, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed Katherine, worried and slowing getting agitated David, and one sleepy Les leaning against David, and me, almost completely asleep, were positioned in various places at the foot of the stairs.

"You think he left?" Katherine questioned. Determined to get her story, she arrived very early at the Lodge and is eating up the confusion surrounding Jack. It gave her story a dramatic twist.

Extra Extra! Strike leader leaves chaos in his wake after vanishing!

Some story it'll be. Can't wait to read it.

Oh wait. I won't be able to. No one can if we've stopped selling papes. No newsies means no papes sold to willing listeners. What's the point of creating a huge story if you can't put it in the papes and sell it.

"Jack wouldn't leave us." David interrupted. David showed up first thing this morning too, dragging along a drowsy and cranky Les. Apparently, the Lodge was the place to be at the crack of dawn. Much to my displeasure.

"Are ya sure? He's always talking about packing up and heading for Sante Fe. Maybe he saw this as his chance to start a new life." Putting in my two cents, stifling a yawn from where I was leaning against the stairwell.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watch as Katherine frantically scribbled notes down on her notepad. Catching me

"He hasn't left." Albert spoke with as much confidence as he could muster but his hesitation betrayed himself.

Race glanced between Albert and I before backing Albert up, albeit half-heartedly. "Yeah. Jack wouldn't leave us behind."


Letting my head "thump" against the railing, I closed my eyes again and, ironically, tried to fight the drowsiness clouding my mind. When I opened them, the conversation continued without me. I honestly couldn't bring myself to care if Jack had abandoned us or not. Too tired. And he was always saying he'd leave if he ever had the chance so it wouldn't surprise me.

Letting out a groan, I resituated myself against the staircase so it was more comfortable. Spying Les rapidly shake his head from side to side in an effort to fight his urge to sleep as well, I motioned for him to walk over. Shuffling over to me, unnoticed by David, Les wrapped his arms around me and nestled into my side, shutting his eyes tight. Bringing my right arm around him, I closed my eyes as well and tuned the world out. If they were going to carry on then I might as well take a nap even if I had to stand up to do it.

A few minutes later, a question caught my attention, shaking me away.

"...Just think. Where would Jack go to get away from everything? To be alone?"

"Theatre!" I answered before I even realized what I said. Jerking upright, knocking poor Les aside in the process, I stumbled a few steps forward and grabbed David's arm.

"The theatre!" I repeated, excitement lifting my voice and pushing away any thoughts of sleep.

David's eyes, clouded with confusion over my initial outburst, grew wide with understanding as the memory of Jack leading our escape to the theatre clicked in his mind.

I Never Planned on You // Davey JacobsWhere stories live. Discover now