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Sounds of the city getting ready for the day woke me up. A harsh glare reflected off the water blinding me. Turning my head to escape the glare causes a groan to escape me. There was an ache in my neck from how I slept. Memories of last night come rushing back to me as I move my hand up to rub my neck. With that movement, I knock off a jacket draping over me. A jacket that was the property of the boy sitting next to me asleep.

I could hear his soft snores as I turn to look at him. Head resting against the wall, his mouth was agape. He had smudges of dirt along his jawline and on his cheekbone. The glare from the water reveals the faintest spread of freckles across his slightly crooked nose. His eyelashes twitch as his eyes move beneath his eyelids-- his mind still active while his body was asleep. Without his cap on to keep his hair down, I smile at the mess of brown waves. He look so peaceful, so relaxed: all the stress of supporting his family has melted away. I felt bad that he'd have to wake up and that calm would disappear.

As quietly as I could, I make a move to pick up the jacket draped over me but I'm startled to find that my hand was trapped. I realize that I was stilling holding his hand. Cautiously, I remove my hand from his. I frown as I wipe off my palms on my pants. Holding someone's hand for that long would build up a small sweat. I don't like it. Gingerly, I pick up his jacket to lay it down on his lap.

Unfortunately that woke him up. Eyes still half-closed, David sits up grunting. His body probably feels as stiff as mine does from sleeping on the crate. "What... What time is it?"

Cringing, I reply. "I'm pretty sure we overslept. We're gonna be late."

He jumps hearing my voice. His eyes, open now, dart around taking in the surroundings. His sleep-ridden brain catches up with his memories of last night. He runs a hand through his hair, turning to me for answers, "We were.. Uh--"

I cut him off--" We were talking. We fell asleep. Now we need go" I start to rise, refusing to meet his gaze. As I was about to slide off the crate, David's hand snakes out to grab my wrist

"Wait!" I look down at his hand, eyebrows raised. "Last night was..nice. I know talking about personal things was difficult for you." David admits.

"Yea.. it-it was," I stutter out. "but I gotta go Davey" Removing my wrist from his hand, I slid of the crate.

"You called me Davey.." David mutters more to himself, smiling.

Clearing my throat, I ignore him. I hurry out from under the docks but stop. I don't know why. Turning, I see David jump off the crates. As he lands, he raises his head and gazes at me.

"I'll, uh, see ya around," I call out, waving, giving him a small smile.

"Yeah, you too," he responds giving me the sweetest smile.

I turn back around and rush to the circulation building: the small smile blooms into a grin that I can't shake.

I manage to make it on time as all the boys were gathering at the gates. No one notice as I joined the crowd and I was grateful. I didn't need people asking questions. I answered enough last night to last me a decade.

I spot Crutchie with Race and head over to them. Race is leaning against the gates half-asleep. Crutch looks equally as tired. Looking around, I see various expressions of exhaustion on the boys. I wonder what got everyone so tired. "Hey boys. How's it going?" I greet.

"Books, them fire sirens kept me awake all night," Race complains, hiding a yawn behind his hand.

"Sirens is like lullabies to me," Mush says as he walks up throwing an arm over Race's shoulder. "The louder they wail, the better the headline! And the better the headline the better I eat! And the better I eat..."

I Never Planned on You // Davey JacobsWhere stories live. Discover now