Chapter 11

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Another good chapter to be read. 4,400+ words! I broke the record! How about we find out what happens the next day with these two, shall we?


The cottage...

"Nonononono!.. Where is it? My kata- where IS it?!"

The first thing Toshiko reached for as she woke up was her katana, but all she felt was the bedsheets and the pillow. She woke with a start, throwing the pillows and covers off the bed in search for it.

The mess accumulates as she added with clothes from the wardrobe chest, towels, even knocking over standing furniture that was left residing in the cottage. She trips over a pillow and lands on her knee with a hard thud. The pain blooms for only a moment before she limped back to her feet to turn the sofa cushion upward, nonchalantly tossing that off to the side on the floor as well.

"Ughh! It's not here. Where the hell did I leave it?" Toshiko pants as she stands as a centerpiece of the mess she has create, pacing in tight circles, utterly aggravated that it was nowhere to be found. Her blue eyes blazes as she reels into her mind and spun the memories before her eyes to all the places she's been. She obviously wasn't here all day yesterday but only in that village amongst wolves, in their city, and out in the woods when she fought her pursuers. The katana was in her possession all those times so that cannot be the excuse. Everything after that was moiling to remember, so she tried harder to get a gateway for her precious weapon.

A flash of the long-haired freak's face bloomed in her vision and she stops pacing. The catatonic woman felt her inner turmoil ignite with pure aggravation. She slowly drops her arms at her sides. It is her fault. No- he made her lose her weapon. There's no doubt he has it and fooling around with it. "I hope he accidentally chop his fucking hair off!..."

How could she be so careless?

She kicks the couch with her barefoot, it groaned loudly as the leg scraped across the floor under the weight. She exerted a lot of energy into that kick that her hair flipped upwards and back over her shoulders. "Damn it!" Man, she wished that couch was Madara's face. Her chest heaves as she plops on her bottom where she stood, sitting in the lotus style and peevishly crossing her arms. "Damn him..."

After about thirty minutes of brooding over her lost weapon she cleaned up her cottage in an almost dragging pace. She rewashes her bedsheets and puts everything back in place before her tantrum. It was time for her to hunt again today, much to her dislike. More gutting and cleaning in order to eat uncontaminated food. The Hatame slips on her high-legged boots and strapped her senbon needle pouch on her thigh, the clean sack for the kills is slung over her shoulder, and heaves a sigh and stands up. The front door is unlocked and pulled open and out of habit she reached for the empty space where her green katana used to be placed when awake inside the cottage. Muttering about stupidity she tugs from the area and pulls the door behind her while exiting.

The door is locked and her key was hidden beneath the wooden panel. This comes in handy so much, because she was never good at keeping up with small objects on her person. The woman inhaled some fresh air from the strong breeze, closing her eyes. Her back is pressed to the door so it could support her in this indulging weather. The wind felt good through her jet black hair, and it chilled her body. The sun was hidden behind the vast cumulus clouds to gift the earth a break from its hot rays. It even seems the earth shows its happiness with another gentle breeze; Toshiko always find this type of day to be most relaxing. The rain can stay however. That is just too gloomy.

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