Chapter 5

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HI, FOLKS! After a long while, this book has been on hold. I decided to post a chapter because I miss the book. Please be aware that this book is still on hold; in my current other books, I have about 20-30 chapters on average to go. I just haven't decided on the number yet. But I promise that after all that's done, I can continue on from this point in the book. Pardon any grammar and spelling please. I was in a rush.

So enjoy this single update until next time. :)


Toshiko was silently mumbling to herself while they walked on ahead to Konohagakure. The space around them became more humid with moisture trapped in the molecules of the air. As the woman had concluded before, it would rain. The skies had darkened and the thunder rumbled in the distance over several miles away. She grumbled under her breathe as she looked around at the brothers and the other Uchiha.

Same symbol on the back of their clothing, same dark hair with different shades of brown and black, and they all sport the Sharingan in combat. Heh... what else is new? Toshiko twisted her lips to the side as she looked at the one named Izuna. He was walking casually next to his brother with his head occasionally turning to the leader.

'Conversating? So he's capable of holding dialogue,' she thought. She stepped over a humped root of a tree when she began to open her big mouth. "So, Izuna~ Are all your conversations one-sided or boring?"

The younger brother must've found her mocking question so amusing she heard his snicker. Of course it was amusing, to him, that is because Madara had rolled his eyes in silence and he caught the reaction.

"What's so funny?" Toshiko queried with an unamused glare. Izuna looks over his shoulder at her glare unfazed. "Never mind what it means to you, Lady. It doesn't concern you," came his response in return. Oh, how she consider him to be like his brother already.

As a stimulus, she huffed sassily, "Hahh! I'm a hostage obviously. Isn't it vital to at least to tell your captive what their getting into, since I'm so much trouble that you had to take me in the first place?" She had looked up at the foliage above them as she said this, taking confidence in the point she was telling. She didn't trust them not even the slightest. A woman like her doesn't bother anyone unless she was bothered with first, and if someone provoked her, it's like another side of her to surface.

Back to the words had said; they went through Madara's ear and out of the other and Izuna huffed, turning his back to his front. "Whats the point in telling you that if youre a captive? As I said before, it doesn't concern you."

As hot-headed as she is, she always had a way to retort back. She closed her azure eyes with a disgusted scowl. "Pig-headed bastards... Maybe the long-haired freak rubbed his ways on him..." she said more than thought.

Madara stopped, the others stopping not a second later after him. The look on his face was stoic but beneath that mask he was itching to slap her into silence. Toshiko didn't realize they stopped walking due to her eye being closed, and she was ran into something that jolted her to a stop.

"Uh?!..." She grunted in surprise opening her eyes. Madara's hand stopped her from walking into him and fisted her fitted shirt, yanking her close to his form. Toshiko was stirred in bafflement at first, but it dawned on her when she saw his red eyes.

"If you say another word, I will mercilessly kill you. Morals be damned," he warned darkly, adding the last three words with venom that showed off his chagrin. This was his first warning to where he knew his limits with provocation and ignorance will be executed. If it comes to that limit, it will be her fault and will be the obvious scapegoat. The shorter woman's lips were parted with no sound coming from the cave behind them.

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