Chapter Three.

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I sat on the sofa next to Casey and Davion as Jesse put in a movie. The rest of the guys were strewn around the living room doing whatever they did. Justin and Jack were throwing popcorn in Kellin's hair while he played on his little DS thingy. I couldn't stop giggling. Casey was being his usual self and eyeing Kellin every few minutes. He was so cute when he was jealous. I grabbed his hand, squeezing it tightly to tell him to calm down. He just glanced at me and smiled.

For a while the movie was pretty entertaining, but like usual all of us were bored of it and were now just talking and arguing over the the tv.

"Why can't we go Jesse! It'll be fun!" Davion argued with my brother. Casey and I had mentioned a date at the fair tomorrow night. Davion and me being attached at the hip suggested a double date. And while Casey at least tried to act like he liked the idea Jesse just kept shaking his head no.

"I don't want to go on a double date with my little sister and her boyfriend! Plus I don't want to go to the fair~" He whined, giving Davion his best puppy dog face. But it was no use, Davion never lost an argument!

"Fine. We won't go." She said irritated now, crossing her arms tightly over her chest. Jesse sighed, going to give her a kiss until Davion swatted his face away making a grossed out noice in the back of her throat. Me and Casey looked at each other and just broke out laughing. I don't think that ever  happened between me and him. Even if Casey hated it he'd always just put on a strong face.

"FINE! WE CAN GO TO THE DAMN FAIR DAVION!" He shouted now over everyone. We all glaned at the two of them. Now Davion was smiling and giggling why she kissed Jesse's lips like three million times. I looked away trying not to vomit in my mouth.

"You guys are fucking weird." Kellin laughed over everyone. We all joined in laughing and once again my mind was consumed with him.

Was he being normal again? Was he really eyeing me and Casey? Why? Why was he being this way? My eyes glanced his way, meeting those pretty dark eyes that were laughing at something gabe had done or said. But a second after we had met eyes his darkened and looked away. Back at the boys. Well, he wasn't being his usual self yet...

"Hey beautiful.." Casey whispered, waking me from a light sleep. The rest of the gang had vanished after a while and it was just me and Casey. I yawned into his shoulder, giving him a lazy smile. "I'm afraid I have to head home now. I have work tomorrow morning." He pouted. I pouted back, hating when he left everynight.

"Alright, I'll see you around seven tomorrow then?" I asked, getting up off of him so he could stand to his feet. He moved infront of me and leaned down placing a deep kiss on my lips before pulling away. I felt my breath hitch the way it always did when I kissed him.

"Night sweeteyes. I'll see you tomorrow." He grinned, pulling me in one last time before walking out the front door. The house was dark and quiet other than a few snores and some lights on around the place. I definitely didn't feel as alone as I had those few months ago. I walked over to the kitchen seeing a sleeping Justin and Jack cuddle up together. They were just so cute! I'm sure they'd plot my death if I'd ever say that to them. I figured Gabe had passed out in the guest room and Jesse and Armani were alseep. At least I prayed to god they were sleeping.

I tip toed into the kitched seeing a black haired head, turned away from me, busy making some sort of pasta or something.

I walked straight in, holding my head up with pride, I wouldn't let Kellin bother me so much. I wouldn't let him make me nervous the way he used too, things were different now. He quickly turned seeing who it was, but once he realized it was me he looked back to his pasta. "Hey." He said with absolutely no emotion at all.

"Hi." I replied, trying not to feel so hurt and angry. He was making this really hard. "What are you making?" I asked as I went over to the fridge to pour myself a glass of iced tea.

He didn't looked over at me, "Just spaghetti."

I felt my head burst, why was he being so damn weird!?

"What's going on with you Kellin? I haven't seen you in sixth months and you pretty much avoid me at all times. Is there something wrong?" I finally let out, not able to play this dumb game with him for any longer. Yes, it had only been a few hours since they'd got back. But me and Kellin used to be as close as can be and then it's like we didn't even know each other at all?

"What are you talking about Armani, you're my little cologn-" he started making me boil up inside. Not only was he acting funny but he was lying straight to my face now!

"Don't pull the little cologne trick anymore! I used to be your "little cologne" but now you want even look at me for more then two seconds!" whipser yelled, trying to not wake anyone.

"You don't know what your talking about Mani." He said walking past me to grab the sauce from the cupboard. I turned my attention towards him as he walked straight back past me.

"Before you left we were as close as brother and sister and now this. Stop playing with me." This seemed to strike something in him. He glaned up at me before looking back down, pouring the sauce into a pan.

"Have I really been playing with you." He asked so low I wasn't sure if I even heard him.

"What?" I asked confused, not realizing those were indeed the same words I had just used.

"Nevermind Mani, just go to bed were all tired." He said irritated now. What did he have to be irritated about? I wasn't the one being fucking weird!

"No. You're being an asshole Kel. I don't know why or what happened and I'm not going to sit here and be treated like this."

"Leave me alone Armani. I just got back from tour and your already yelling at me. I just want to forget everything okay?" He said now facing me directly, this time my eyes left his. Taking in what he had just said.

"What do you mean forget everything?" I asked, watching my knees shake beneathe me.

"Everything." He simply replied, pushing past me and going upstairs. I was left in the kitchen feeling worse the before when I knew absolutely nothing. Now I only knew one thing, Kellin wanted to forget everything...

I turned on my heel, walking slowly and quietly back up to my room and collapsing on the bed. Did I just lose a best friend?  

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