m.c. part three

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Michael had spent the past four days since he'd met Selene thinking about how incredibly stupid he was. He hadn't been able to think of anything but her since Wednesday.

The more he thought about it, the luckier he felt. If Selene really was his soul mate then he'd managed to snag the whole package. Not only was she gorgeous, but she also seemed like a really great person and Michael wanted to have a chance to get to know her more than he'd ever wanted anything in the world.

He did have a fair few doubts as well though. She was probably supposed to be his soul mate and he'd scared her off before they'd even gotten the chance to get to know each other. He couldn't help thinking that maybe he'd ruined everything. He couldn't stop himself from going over a million what if's and each one made him feel worse.

What if she never came back? What if she thought he was weird and wished that her soul mate was someone else, someone better than him? What if she did give him another chance and then decided that he wasn't worth it?

He'd taken on extra shifts at the store (which he had justified by saying that he could always use the extra money, rather than just admitting that he was hoping that she'd show up). The place was always virtually empty though which didn't do much to help distract him from all of his thoughts.

Every time someone would walk in the door he'd hope it was her. Each time he saw something blue he'd think that maybe it was her hair. It was really beginning to border on obsession, but if they were supposed to be soul mates that could be forgiven, right?

He'd gone out with the boys on Saturday night but that hadn't done him any good. Usually he could pick up a girl and they'd spend the night together but now that just felt wrong. He felt like that would be betraying Selene even though at the moment there was nothing going on between the two of them. So he'd had a few drinks, avoided a bunch of questions and gone home to be alone with his thoughts.

Michael ran his fingers over the tattoo on his arm and looked up too enthusiastically as the door to the store opened. His breathing almost stopped when he realised that this time it was actually her, he wasn't imagining it. She looked even better than she had the other day and Michael couldn't keep the smile off his face as she made her way over to the counter that he was standing behind.

"I was beginning to think that I'd scared you off." He told her with a small laugh, hoping that she didn't realise just how honest the statement was.

"Nah, I just wanted to make you sweat." She poked her tongue out at him and his smile somehow managed to double in size.

They were interrupted as a customer came up to purchase a stack of CD's and Michael apologised quickly before greeting the guy in front of him and ringing up his stuff. After the guy had left Michael turned back to Selene.

He searched his brain for something to say but as per usual, whenever he actually needed to talk his head didn't want to cooperate.

"I'm sorry if this is really weird." He told her. "I don't know how I'm supposed to act around you. Like, it's difficult enough to talk to cute girls; it makes it slightly more complicated when you know that you're supposed to be soul mates."

She looked down and let her hair fall in front of her face to hide her red cheeks which made Michael smile again (he really liked that he could have that effect on her).

"We could always try getting to know each other?" Selene suggested when she eventually looked up at him again.

It was so simple that Michael couldn't believe that he hadn't thought of it himself.

"That sounds nice." He told her.

They spent the rest of his shift talking about anything that came to mind. They talked about their families, and school, and music, and food (Michael was beyond relieved to hear that her favourite pizza topping was also pepperoni). They had a lot in common which was a relief for both of them and it meant that once the conversation started it never really stopped.

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