My Over-Protective Brothers Chapter 8

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Josh parked in the middle of nowhere, the only sound we heard were the crickets and a couple of frogs. "We're here." The boys said. Tori and I unbuckled our seatbelts and got out. "Where are we?" I asked Ethan as he wrapped his arm around my waist. "You'll see." He said and kissed the top of my head. We walked down a dirt path until we saw a white boat. "Whose boat is that?" Tori asked. "Ours." Ethan answered. "We're going on a boat ride?" I asked him smiling. He nodded. I looked over at Tori to see her smiling too.

The boys helped us get on and we sat down. Ethan sat down beside me and Josh sat down beside Tori. "You kids ready?" I heard a man ask. "Chris, we're not kids, you're a year older." Ethan chuckled. Chris rolled his eyes and looked at me. "This must be Blake, my name is Christian and I'm Ethan's older brother." He shook my hand. I shook his. "Can you go start the boat?" Ethan asked, impatiently. Chris rolled his eyes and went to the boat's wheel. He turned it on and started going forward.

He went fast and our hair flew behind us. "Do you like this?" Ethan asked me. I nodded. "I've always wanted to go on a boat ride." I said. He smiled and put his arm around me. I laid my head on his chest.

"OK, you kids go have fun." Chris winked at us and he got back on. "But not too much fun." He looked sternly at Josh and Ethan. Tori and I laughed at him as he waved bye and got back on his boat. We walked for a little while until we saw a picnic table covered with a white table cloth. There was a single red rose in a vase on it and the fairy lights in the surrounding trees twinkled.

Tori and I sat down beside each other and Ethan and Josh sat in front of us. There was a large pizza box in front of us and we had cans of Dr. Pepper. "Pizza and soda, good combination." Tori smiled picking up a piece of Hawaiian pizza. Josh and Ethan both blushed and picked up their own slices. I picked up mine and bit into the warm slice.

We finished the pizza and the boys surprised us with ice cream sundaes. "You like it?" Ethan whispered in my ear. I nodded and ate some more, it was vanilla ice cream with hot fudge, whipped cream, colorful sprinkles and a cherry on top. "You want some?" I asked. He nodded. I put some on the spoon and fed him. He nodded. "I did good." He said. I giggled and finished it. I watched Tori and Josh wade in the lake and splash each other. I smiled at them.

"Blake." Ethan said. I looked at him. "I like you a lot, you don't know how much I do." He said. I smiled. "So, I got you this." He said pulling out a silver locket. "Ethan, it's beautiful." I smiled. "Want me to put it on?" He asked. I nodded and turned away from him. He put it on and I turned back towards him. He put his hands on my face and kissed me, this was our actual first kiss. It was incredible, I felt fireworks, no I felt atom bombs go off. He licked the bottom of my lip begging for an entrance. I let him enter and he slid his tongue. I wrapped my arm around his neck and played with his hair. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me on top of him. I sat on his lap and straddled my legs around him. He stopped kissing me and began kissing my jaw and ended up at my neck. I bit my lip as he kissed it gently. He finished and looked at me. "Be mine." He whispered and kissed me gently. I nodded, still speechless.

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