• F I V E •

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(Song used for this chapter Issues - Pnb rock ft Russ)

Baby's Point of View

I woke up to the sound of my alarm that was on my phone. I sat up and yawned then stretched my arms up in the air. I looked next to me and saw Cyn sleeping.

I shook her gently so that she could wake up. "I'm up I'm up" she says sitting up. I chuckled a little bit and got up from my bed.

"Can you go wake up DJ and tell him to start getting ready" I asked her. She shook her head and said "yeah just give me a minute to fully recuperate".

I nodded then walked inside of my bathroom that is connected to my room. I went to my sink and grabbed my tooth brush and started to brush my teeth. After about 1 min of me brushing my teeth I grabbed my washcloth and my face soap and put it onto the washcloth and began washing my face.

While I'm washing my face I hear Cyn coming inside of my bathroom and she says "Yo DJ isn't in the guest room" .

I quickly rinsed my face off and dried it off with my towel. "What he left?" I asked her.

She nodded. I sighed, Typical Deondre. I grabbed my hair stuff and body sprays from in the bathroom. "I'm done with the bathroom you can use it and get ready in there" I tell her.

She shook her head and made her way into the bathroom.

We both did our morning routine and was ready for our day to begin.


At School

I was in my biology class and as usual.. my teacher was going on about the human anatomy. I also noticed that Trini wasn't in class today.. which is kinda weird because he's usually here early.

I was starting to feel a bit worried, even though he has a girlfriend.. my feelings still haven't gone away. I had a huge look of concern and worry on my face.

My teacher noticed this and turned her attention to me "You okay Ms. Jones" she asked me.

I looked up at her and faked smiled "yes I'm fine ms, please carry on with the lesson" I told her.

She carried on and I went back to my thoughts. I looked around too see if my friend Gabby was in here. I kinda wanna let her know what's happening.

But I didn't see her either... weird. I turned back to the front. I mean I'm kinda relieved a little that he didn't come today because things would've been a bit awkward for me.


At lunch

We were all sitting at the lunch table. It was Me, DJ, Cyn and Gabby. Rodney didn't come to school today because he had to take care of his mother.

But that's a another story. We were all conversing and Cyn was giving DJ the third degree. "Where did you go this morning DJ" she asked him.

"I mean I got up early and I decided to start off the day a lil early"He says. Cyn lifted her eyebrow she thought that sounded a bit sketchy.

"Besides I wanna talk to you about something anyway?" He says to her. She had widened her eyes and shushed him.

I scrunched my face because I feel like she's trying to keep him quiet about something.

She whispered something in his ear and he shook his head. You know what I'm not gonna make a huge scene about right now because Gabby is here.

Im gonna have to talk to them about that later. But I shifted my attention to Gabby who was just typing away on her phone.

"Soo Gabby, I didn't see you in Biology today... You okay?" I asked her.

She lifted her head up from her phone screen. And she had a smile on her face. " Yea that's because I cut, I was with my boyfriend" she says.

All of our eyes lit up. "Damn really? When were you going to tell us" Cyn says. She started to get all giddy "When the time was right but I decided not to wait anymore" she says.

I let out a small chuckle. "Wow it seems like everyone is just getting cuffed up by the person they really want" I say.

"What Baby is trying to say is that she's happy for you, we all are" DJ says.

She smiled "thank you guys I really appreciate y'all support" She replies.

"Of course honey, so who is he?" Cyn asked. She checks her phone and her face lights up. "You're actually going to find out in a minute he just texted me saying that he's coming right now" she says.

"Damn girl, I wish I had a nigga that would skip class just to come see me" Cyn says putting her hand on her heart.

DJ looked as if he had said something under his breath and Cyn had scolded him. Okay seriously what the fuck is going on.

Gabby looks back on her phone and starts to look around. "Hmm he said that he's here, but I don't see him" she tells us.

"What does he look like?" I asked her. Before she could answer we see a familiar figure walk start to walk over to our table.

Is that... is that who I think it is. Nah it has to be my mind playing tricks on me. Gabby wouldn't do that to me, She wouldn't.

She gets up and jumps on him and starts to kiss all over his face.

"Trini!!! I missed you" she says. He started laughing and said "Babe we just saw each other like two periods ago" he says.

So that's why I didn't see the both of them in Biology class. Gabby turned to us and puts her hand out "Guys you all know Trinidad already, Trinidad this my peoples" she says.

He saw me and he noticed the face that I made. Gabby tilted her head and noticed it too. "Baby is there something wrong?" She asked.

DJ, Cyn and I looked at eachother.. I'm fanning myself and shaking trying to keep myself calm.

In a low voice I say to DJ and Cyn "I'm about to fuck her up... Guys I'm gonna fuck her up really bad" I say shaking taking in deep breaths.

Cyn and DJ were holding me. "Ayo I think y'all both should go... like right now" DJ says.

I broke off from both of them and I slammed both my hands on the table.

"The nerve... The FUCKING nerve, You know damn well what the fuck is wrong you bitch. You knew good and well how much I liked him you dirty ass slut" I yelled.

Trinidad looked stunned and made a face... "wait what?" He asked. I looked at him and softened my face a little.

"Bet you she didn't tell you that right?" I asked him. He brushed his hands through his hair.

Gabby stood there laughing and said "Bitch please, the fact that you really thought you'd have a chance with him was lowkey hilarious. I mean look at you and then look at me.. why the fuck would he choose you when he clearly could have something that's better... that's worth more" she says.

Cyn got up next to me and said "OH HELL NO I don't know who the fuck..." she was cut off by DJ.

"Nah none of that.. you got people in the cafe looking at us crazy" he say trying to calm the both of us down.

Cafeteria aid came to our table and asked.

"Is there a problem over here that needs to be solved?"

Gabby smirks and looks at me.

"Nah, we were just leaving... I'm not really feeling the energy over here. Let's goo Trini" she says grabbing his hand.

Trini looks at me while she grabs his hand and walk out the cafeteria.

He really didn't know.

And I feel like it's my fault because I waited too late to tell him.

My life as I know it is ruined.

What am I gonna do now.


It's been awhile yes I know. Hope y'all had a merry Christmas and I hope that you guys have a happy new year.

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