Chapter 10

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Jasmine's P.O.V.

A sudden shaking from the turbulence that the plane was experiencing, woke me up. I absolutely hated turbulence. It scared me to death. 

As soon as I got up, I felt a pair of arms around me and peeked my eyes open to discover, Justin, sound asleep like a child, practically, suffocating me. I actually didn't mind being in his arms, if only it was possible for me to breathe. I squirmed around a bit till he loosened his grip. I couldn't help but notice how great he smelled. It was a fresh, woodsy scent, with a mixture of violet, and amber.

My fascinations of how good Justin smelled were interrupted by a air hostess who had just walked in. She stood above me with bright red lipstick, a perfect bun and fitted pencil skirt topped with a navy blouse with the air company's logo. There was not a hair sticking out from her bun nor a single wrinkle on her clothing. She smiled down at me and Justin. 

"Sorry to interrupt your sleep, but we have a variety of snacks coming around," she spoke, through her, stiff, obviously, forced smile.

I tried wriggling out of Justin's grasp, only to wake him up.

"wha, huh?" he stammered, while opening his eyes. 

Justin stared down at his arms around me and my struggles to get out of them. He suddenly looked embarrassed and quickly let go of me.

"Oh.. uhm.. sorry about that.." he apologized, while looking away.

"Ahem" the hostess, faked a cough, trying to tell us she was still there.

"Sorry... erm Alice?" I murmered while reading her name off of her name tag. "I'll just have some coffee"

"Uh get me some brownies will ya? Oh and a glass of juice. Thanks," Justin told Alice, while slightly smirking.

The air hostess picked up the items on her large trolley and places them on a table infront of us. She gave us more delicacy's and beverages than we asked and then made her way out while we thanked her. Justin turned on the large t.v and started watching some reruns of CSI. It was the episode where Taylor Swift starred as one of the characters. We watched in silence while eating or drinking whatever the air hostess had placed infront of us.

"So..." I began, trying to strike up a conversation to kill the awkward silence.

Justin looked over at me questioningly, as though I was about to say something very important.


"Oh nothing," I replied.

Awkward silence. Once again.

We stayed quiet for another few minutes till Justin spoke up.

"You know, Marie lives in L.A. a forty minute drive away from my house.." he whispered.

"Well, she isn't going to do anything to you, so don't worry," I fake smiled. To be honest, how crazy this Marie chick sounded, actually scared me a bit.

"She won't leave me alone as soon as she finds out I've reached L.A." Justin complained. "Anyway, I'm gonna go back to sleep, didn't get back to the hotel till 5 in the morning yesterday, and had to wake up at 7, so I'm exhausted"


Silence. Once again.

I flipped through the various channels and decided to watch a movie, we still had 2 hours till landing. I scanned the movie selection and put on 'A Walk To Remember.' I had watched this movie several times already and even had the lines memorized, but put it on to pass the time.


"Please buckle your seatbelt, for our landing to the Los Angeles International Airport. We hope you enjoyed our service and your flight. Thank you, for flying with Air Canada. Hope to see you again. Fly on," the pilot's voice amplified through the plane's P.A system and everyone prepared for landing.

My ears felt the pressure while we landed, but the feeling was gone as soon as the plane touched the ground. That instant, Moshe came to wake Justin up and tell us to get up. We grabbed our things and walked out of the cabin, into the airplane aisle. Moshe made a way through for us and guided us out from the plane. As soon as we got out, I put on my shades and Justin threw on his hoodie. We were once again in a midst of flashing lights and sounds of camera's clicking. Moshe went through customs with us and grabbed our luggage before exiting out from the airport and into a car waiting for us. He put our luggage in and got into the front seat, beside the driver, while Justin and I shuffled into the back seats.  


Around 40 minutes later, after a very quiet car drive, I looked out to see the driver entering into a huge driveway, heading up to an enormous house. Correction, an enormous mansion. The driver got to the front door and helped Moshe carry in our suitcases. I got out of the car and up the large staircase, leading to a gigantic door. Moshe went straight in and put our luggage into random rooms, then left with the driver.

It was just me and Justin. Again.

"So, this is my house, and yeah.. you'll be staying here with me, make yourself comfortable, Moshe put your things up into your room. It's the third door to the right, once you go up the second stairwell, over there. You can put your things away, and freshen up, I'll get us something to eat," Justin informed me all at once, before walking into the large hall, and into some room.

I went up the stairs to the room that was appointed for me. I opened the door and stared in awe. It was huge, with a bathroom probably as big as my own room, back home. Not only was it huge, it had a vintage, yet plain theme going on. The furniture was all white, against the maroon walls. Two walls were maroon, and the other two had zebra and leopard print. The hardwood floor was shiny, and clean, with a furry floor carpet infront of the queen bed. The comforters were black and white, with various pillows on the bed, with two bean bags at the end of the two draping curtains.

I walked over to my luggage and took out some ankle socks, my tooth brush, tooth paste, pajama shorts and a black, fitted tank top. I walked into the bathroom, washed my face, brushed my teeth, did my buisness and changed into the tank top and shorts. I threw on a pair of socks before walking back into the room.

I slid accross the hardwood floor and started unpacking my things. My clothing was hung into the immense closet, and I put my swim wear and undergarments into the drawers. I took all my shoes out and put them on the shelves in the closet and closed the closet door. I put the toiletries into the bathroom and organized the cosmetics, sprays, beauty supplies, accessories etc, into and onto the dresser. I continued unpacking and putting everything where it belonged and after a good hour, I was done. 

The clock on my sidetable said it was just past 10 PM, so I walked out my new room and ran down the stairs. I wasn't quite sure where Justin was, so I went on a mini quest, before finding him in the gorgeous kitchen, taking a lasagna out of the oven. I sat on the table and watched as Justin put out a slice for himself and me and brought it to the table along with drinks. My stomach growled in hunger, so the food on my plate was pretty much gone in a few minutes, the same with Justin. I had to say, the lasagna was really good. I was even more surprised to say that Justin Drew Bieber actually knew how to cook.

"That was really good Justin, thanks"

He grinned, "no problem, but you may want to get some sleep now, it's 11 now and we have an interview tomorrow morning at 9, you need to be ready by 8!"

I thanked Justin once again and gave him a quick hug before going back into my room, brushing my teeth and falling into a deep sleep.

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