Chapter 8

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Jasmine's P.O.V.

After the little introduction Scooter did for me, I had to sign a few papers then talk to the audience cause Scooter forced me to. I said a few words and thanked the people and told them how excited I'd be to record. When I was done, Justin led me down the stairs and back to our seats. We talked about the randomest things, while waiting for our food.

A few minutes later, the waitress came with our appetizer. We devoured that quickly, and then got our main course.

Dinner continued, and Justin and I had finished earlier so we got up to go to the beverage place to get something to drink.

I had to say, this place looked quite great, the stage was at the back, with purple balloons and decor all around the large hall. There were velvet curtains draping from the long windows and a dancefloor with dim lights and a disco ball. There were about 100 dinner tables that seated 10 people each, around the sides of the dance floor. The drink and food stand at the very end of the hall. There was a large door that led to the garden, pool and fountain in the back. It seemed like one of those expensive halls, all glittery and sparkly. Well then again, Island Def Jam was hosting this party.. so obviously it would be in a grand hall.

I was busy looking around the hall that I didn't realize Justin had grabbed my hand and led me all the way to the bar/beverage stand. His hands were like silk, and so soft. He interrupted my thoughts.

"Hey Jasmine, what do you want to drink?"

"Uhh mango juice please," I simply answered.

Justin laughed in response.

"You're at an Island Def party and you're ordering a mango juice. Get something interesting"

I shrugged my shoulders in response as Justin ordered something fancy for us- which surely had alcohol in it. I guess underage drinking could slip by tonight.

While we waited for our drinks, Justin was talking about interviews and how I'd have to leave with him to L.A. for a while, to get me started and since I needed to be introduced to the public from the interview booked three days from now. That basically meant, I had to leave in 2 days. Man this was a lot to process, but it was a dream come true and I knew how lucky I was to recieve this chance.

I suddenly started thinking about last time me and Justin ate out together and who we were talking about.. Marie. I couldn't help but ask Justin more about her, but needed to be careful of how I asked him cause I wanted him to be able to trust me with it.

"Justin.. so you know how Marie keeps threatening you?" I quietly asked

His face went pretty much pale and he hesitated, but then nodded for me to continue.

"What does she have on you... that makes you hold back on calling the cops or that makes you so scared of her?" I finished.

"Jasmine if I tell you, you can't tell anyone," he whispered out. Infact he said it so quietly, you could barely tell that a voice escaped his mouth.

"Go ahead," I ushered him to speak, right when the bartender gave us our drinks.

"Thank you" we both told him, while he walked away.

"So yeah, talk" I jokingly demanded.

"Uhm so before I dated Selena, I was dating Marie. It was a temporary thing you know, we weren't serious. She was always trying to pull me away from my fans and give her more attention. She didn't like the lights. Since me and her weren't too serious, the media didn't know too much about her. Marie was mad about that, which puzzled me, because she complained I was too much under the lights, and now she wanted them on her. I went over to her house once, and it was just to break up with her. She gave something to me in my water. I didn't remember anything after that, I was just very angry. I don't know what was in that drink but after an hour or two of being totally out of my mind, I crashed. The next morning, Marie showed me a video...." he stopped there.

"Go on Justin..." I blurted out. "What was the video?"

"I hit her jasmine. I fucking punched her face.... but it surprised me. Cause I would never ever hit a girl. It's completely against my morals. There was something in my drink that made me act different. My head hurt so much that next morning that I couldn't even tell if that was me in the video. She had a bruise on her cheek though. But Jasmine, believe me. I would never ever dream of hurting a girl. No matter who. I just don't know... what got to me that night. I don't remember it..." he stuttered out.

I could see the fear in Justin's eyes, something I hadn't seen before in him.

"Now she wants me to give her all my money and end my career, just like I ended our relationship.. if I don't, then she'll expose that video. I know Marie will get whatever she wants. She could ruin a lot for me very easily. She will get away with it also, cause of her phsyco friends that are lawyers and cops. Unless I don't have any evidence on her and she still has that tape, she basically controls me, and can get away with anything," Justin's voice was trembling by the end of telling me.

Something in his eyes, told me that what he had said was a lie. Why would Justin worry about supposedly hitting someone when he could get out of it easily with the amount of money he had? I wasn't sure but there was something different on this tape, but I choose to believe it for the sake of the moment.

"Justin," I said, while placing my hand on his." As crazy as this sounds, I'm going to help you get that tape back. Marie has no right to run and ruin your life. We're going to make this stop."

He looked at me with a small spark of hope in his eyes. But then it was gone.

"It's going to be difficult Jasmine. Really difficult..." he choked out.


picture of Marie at the side

She Don't Like The Lights -Justin Bieber fanficWhere stories live. Discover now