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it's strange. it's terrible.

my mind chants and asks questions i don't know the answer too.

who am i?

but i don't know.

what do i want?

i don't know.

why can't i be happy?

i don't know.

i look in the mirror to try understand. but i don't recognise the person there. i feel like a tether inside of me has neared its destruction.

who is this girl with the large eyes, strange mouth and stranger cheeks? why is her face blank, her eyes hollow? why don't i recognise her?

who am i? my mind asks. it won't stop. it won't stop. it won't stop.

sickness rolls in my stomach like the ocean, lapping at my sanity. the salt wants to spill out of my eyes and down my cheeks but it won't come. i want to force it out- this wriggling thrashing ugly thing. i want to yank it, strangle it and be free of it.

who am i? i wonder. it's sad. it's terrible.

the mirror shows a reflection i don't recognise. i don't know. it's best not to look.

i don't want to look.

because it's strange and it's terrible.

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