growing happiness

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i miss it

but i'm all out

i find some growing out in the woods i pass

i pick them up and clutch them close

serotonin sticks to my fingers, sticky pale powder

i like the feeling

happiness smells lovely

like sunshine and lemon cake

but they don't sell it where i stay

sometimes they grow by lapping waves, amongst the sound of water and shore

or amongst meadows and vines

i've seen some once in a little pot inside a bakery

i heard that if you put it in your mouth, it explodes and fizzes and tastes like sweet limes

some people grow their own, even if it takes time

others can find them being blown away in the street, where it kisses their skin and they catch some petals and steal it away in their pocket

or someone like me can go looking for it in the wild and only hope to harvest and grow their own and grow it so big they can share it

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