Chapter 4- ....What?

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A/N- Alrighty gals! It's time to speed up this relationship a bit, don'tcha think? ;)

Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers, as much as I wish it were true. Amy and Kayla are MINE! :)

On with the show!

We had been on the road for hours, and still had about another hour before we get to mission city. Jazz and I had listened to music together and he played for me his favorite songs out of my library. He seemed to really enjoy the loud hair bands and the Goo Goo Dolls most, followed by some newer rap and country.

Did I mention his stereo system is the best thing ever? As the bass thrummed under my seat I took note that there were no rattles in the car. It was a refreshing feeling to listen to music at such a high volume and still have such perfect clarity. The feeling of my stomach vibrating relaxed as much as it excited me.

It was dark outside now, and Jazz was cruising at 100mph while playing 'I wanna be sedated' by the Ramones. When the song ended he asked "Do ya need to stop? We got bout another 120 miles ta go."

"Sure, I need to stretch my legs a moment and use the ladies room."

Jazz pulled off onto the side road and into a well lit gas station. His holoform flickered on and the passenger side door opened for me. I reached into the back and pulled out a clean change of clothes, including my black knee skirt, electric blue tank top, and blue flip flops and headed into the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth, washed my face of the day's grime, and went into a stall to change and potty. After washing my hands and bundling my old clothes up I walked out and wandered around the snacks isle. Picking out a plain Hershey's bar and soda, I paid for it and made my way back to Jazz. He had parked out on the end and waved my chocolate in the air tauntingly, I had to share the experience with him while we had these moments alone.

I opened up the back passenger door, tossed my old clothes in a neat pile in the bag, and closed the door. Just as I went to get in the car a hand stopped me from touching the handle. I noticed Jazz's holoform wasn't in the car, and the hand grabbing me wasn't his shade. My heart stopped and I turned about quickly, pressing my backside into the car handle as I distanced myself as far as I could from the offending man.

His eyes were glazed in a drunken haze as he leaned into my face and exhaled a foul burp "Hey missy... What'r you doin' all alone?"

"Ugh.." I groaned, this was embarrassing. gathering the courage to touch the disgusting man, I pushed him back easily and waved a hand in front of my face "Ever heard of personal space? Get lost." I slid down Jazz's length to just beyond the door and popped it open, preparing to jump in as soon as I was sure I'd have the time to get the door closed. Why hadn't he popped out and gave this dude an arse whoopin?

The drunk man grinned "A pretty lil thing like you don't need no personal space, it needs meh!"

I laughed "Thanks for noticing, I'm quite well on my own thanks." His face scrunched up in thought, had I truly stumped him? Double negatives anyone?

He seemed to come to terms with whatever was going through his mind and took a lunge for me. I slid out of the way and the man snacked against Jazz's door with a thud and drool escaped his mouth before he backed up. Jazz seemed to wake up then, his car form vibrating and his holoform appearing out of thin air next to me with a look of disbelief on his perfect face. "That was seriously disgustin, man!"

He stormed up to the drunken man and punched him hard, then pulled him up and slammed him back into his car form. The drunken man groaned as Jazz picked at his shirt to find a clean spot, bundling it up, and using it to wipe off the man's spittle from his roof.

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