chapter twenty eight

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Bella and Jessica stay away from the rest of them, as they all walked toward to Monet's

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Bella and Jessica stay away from the rest of them, as they all walked toward to Monet's. Bella wondered what was wrong Jessica? She had been acting extremely strange since the day. Bella thought it was the worry and stress from Jackson's death, but there was something else and Bella knew it.

'Hey Jess' Bella said as she held her back from walking inside with the others, 'Can we talk for a bit?'

'About what?' Jessica said a bit more calmer than before

'What is wrong?' Bella asked, 'You were acting weird back there?'

Jessica opened her mouth to say something but decided not to.

'What?' Bella asked her

'I did something bad' Jessica said as Bella furrowed her eyebrows, 'I had sex with Justin'

Bella stood back in shock, 'What? Wait Justin? Like Justin Foley?'

'Who else?' Jessica asked, 'I've fucked up Bella. What about Alex? I can't believe me right now'

Bella stood back but knew her best friend didn't mean to hurt anyone else, 'I know you didn't do it to cheat on Alex, but you did. I know it's hard because you have so much history with Justin'

'I know but I feel so bad about myself' Jessica said, 'I feel bad for everyone its going to hurt'

'It's going to be okay Jess' Bella said as she pulled her friend into a hug, 'You will get through this but I think it's important that you tell Alex about it'

'Now?' Jessica cried, 'I can't do that'

'Okay maybe not now' Bella said as she tried to calm her down, 'But when this Jackson stuff blows over'

'I guess so' Jessica said, 'What do you think happened? Maybe he got drunk and stumbled into the woods'

'Yeah I have no idea' Bella said, 'I really don't want to think about that right now'

Jessica breathed in, 'Okay what do we do?'

'I don't know' Bella said as she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket

Jessica decided to make her way into Monet's as Bella checked who decided to text her.

It was the person. The person she was scared to hear from, especially now. She changed their contact name, so she knew exactly who it was who was texting her and not some random person. Well, this person was completely random, but they were becoming quick 'friends'.

Who are you?- I'm sorry to hear about Jackson. But we all know it wasn't an accident, let's get real Bella.

Bella- Do you know what happened?

Who are you?- I do. Do you?

Bella- No I don't. You can't tell me?

Who are you?- Why would I do that? Ruins the fun

Bella- FUN! You think this is funny? You're sick! And I know you are not Tyler now. He was going to shoot up the school but I'm guessing you know that.

Who are you?- Of course I know. He's going to get caught and Tony knows it. He's taking him to the police station.

Bella- How do you know this?!

Who are you?- I know everything Bella and I also know that Jessica and Justin hooked up at the dance. I wonder what would happen if Alex found out?

Bella- You wouldn't dare

They stopped talking to Bella. She was beyond tired and annoyed that she couldn't deal with this person anymore. She decided to block them and not bother. There was a part of her that knew it was a bad idea, as this person seemed to know everything, but she didn't care.


Tyler Downs sat inside of the police station with his head down. He didn't want to face his parents screaming and worried cries. The only thing he could focus on was his numbness and dark thoughts.

'Tyler why would you do something like this?' cried Ms Downs

Tyler didn't answer.

'TYLER WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU' screamed his father as a police officer walked in

'Tyler Downs we would like to speak to you now' they asked as Tyler stood up

'Can we come inside with him?' Tyler's mother asked but the officer shook her head

'It's not the best idea' she said, 'It's better if you still here'

Tyler sat down into the interrogation room, where Courtney wasn't to long ago. The officer told Tyler about how his friend Courtney Crimsen was here not that long ago.

'What happened?' Tyler asked

'Jackson Lodge was murdered' she said as Tyler sat back in shock

'What do you mean?'

'He was killed and we want to know who did it' she said, 'Do you have any ideas?'

'No I don't' Tyler said as she nodded

'Good because right now it's not looking so good for you'


Tyler's parents stood outside of the room with worried looks. They had stood there for more than 4 hours now, just waiting for Tyler to be done. They wanted their son to be okay, but they knew he needed help. There was something that happened to him and they wanted to know. This wasn't the Tyler they knew. It was someone else.

'Thank you for waiting' the officer said, 'Come'

His parents rushed into the room to find another lady sitting with Tyler.

'Hey I'm Mrs Bailey' she said, 'I am a psychologist at Radley hospital'

'Hello' Tyler's mother said weakly

'From what we have talked about' Ms Bailey said, 'I think it would be best if he went into psychiatric care'

'Wouldn't the court agreed on that?' His father said before taking Ms Bailey's advice

'Yes it usually is' Ms Bailey said, 'But he didn't harm anyone at the end of the day and I think his mental health is information for us to look at. We have been notified about him before from the school'

'The school thinks my son is a danger' Ms Downs cried, 'He is my son'

'He is a danger' her husband cried back, 'He needs help'

'I think it's for the best' Ms Bailey said as she tried to comfort Ms Downs

'Can't he just come back home?' Ms Downs tried to fight

'It doesn't work like that' the officer butted in, 'It's for the best Ms Downs. Your son goes to Radley or he will be arrested for endangering children and weapon possession'

Ms Downs felt her heart break inside of her chest. She looked over to her son, whose head was buried into his folded hands. He didn't want to even look over at his parents. He was ashamed. He was scared. He knew he was in trouble. 

trust me, i'm lying/ scott reedWhere stories live. Discover now