chapter twenty six

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'I can't believe this is happening to me' cried Courtney, 'I didn't even see them'

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'I can't believe this is happening to me' cried Courtney, 'I didn't even see them'

'Okay calm down' Bella said as she followed Courtney down her driveway, 'Where is it?'

'It's down the road' Courtney chocked out, 'I can't breathe'

'It's going to be okay' Bella in a calming tone, 'We will call the police and you will explain to them what happened'

'I hit someone will my car Bella' Courtney cried, 'What if I killed them?!'

'Did you check their pulse?' Bella asked as Courtney shook her head

'They were not moving' Courtney said as they arrived at the dirt road

This road was in between Crestmont and the next town over. The woods beside it was used for a lot of drug deals and for teenagers to stupid shit. A lot of rumours came from these woods, which included Chloe and Bryce having sex near the witch rock.

The witch rock was famous for drug deals and shady things that had to be hidden from the rest of the town. Bella had never been there, but she wished that someone would not talk about it. These woods were a dark place and she wondered if Hannah walked home through these woods from Bryce's house, the night she was raped. It creeped her out and made her feel like someone or something was going to kill her.

'Where is it?' Bella asked as Courtney begun to walk toward this rock, 'Did you move the body to witch rock?'

'No I was driven these on this road' Courtney begun, 'I saw them roll down the hill into the rock'

'Okay' Bella said as they walked closer, 'Who is it?'

'I don't know' Courtney said, 'They are wearing a school jacket'

Bella's heart dropped as she pushed Courtney out the way. She looked down at the body. It was a young boy with his face in the dirt. He was wearing a school jacket and a pair of jeans. There was blood everywhere, as it sank into the dirt.

'We have to turn him over' Bella explained, 'If we want to see who he is'

'Okay okay' Courtney said frantically

Courtney went around the rock and grabbed his arms. Bella grabbed his legs. They turned him over and found something even worse.

'His face' Courtney screamed as she covered her eyes

Bella went around to found that his face had been beaten so badly, that he was unrecognizable. It was so distorted that it made it extremely hard for them to know.

'Maybe he has a wallet somewhere' Bella said as she began to search his body

She pulled up his jacket to find his wallet, 'Got it'

Courtney kneeled down to Bella's level, 'What if it's someone we know'

'I mean obviously he's wearing a school jacket' Bella said as she opened his wallet, 'It's Jackson'

'Who's that?' Courtney asked

'He's a guy on the baseball team' Bella said as she got up slowly, 'We have to tell the police. He's obviously been assaulted, before you hit him with your car'

'What do I say to the police?' Courtney cried, 'I don't even know what happened myself'

'They can work it out for you' Bella said, 'But we can't do nothing'

Courtney stood around for a bit before getting her phone out of her pocket, 'I will call 911 now'

Bella nodded as she kept looking through Jackson's wallet. Courtney told 911 that there had been an accident and they needed to come straight away. Meanwhile, Bella got out her phone and messaged Jessica everything that had happened.

Jessica- What are you talking about?

Bella- Courtney hit Jackson with her car and now the police are on their way!! Meet us at witch's rock now

Bella put her phone away and waited with Courtney. Bella could tell that Courtney was absolutely freaking out, and maybe regretted calling the police.


The police came shortly after and so did Jessica, and everyone else. Bella was stunned when she saw Alex, Zach and Clay come with Jessica.

'Sorry I couldn't get away from them' Jessica said fast, 'Tyler came to the school dance with a gun'

'Wait what?!' Bella cried, 'Why would he do that?'

'I have no idea' Jessica replied, 'Clay ditched the gun into the bushes'

'That's crazy' Courtney said

'Who did this?' Jessica said as they watched the body being wheeled away, 'You ran him over?'

'I don't know' Courtney cried, 'I don't remember what happened but all I know is that the body rolled down the hill'

Bella looked around to see the police walking their way. She knew Courtney would be taken into questioning and she was worried that Bella would be taken too.

'Miss Crimsen' an officer asked, 'Would you mind coming down to the station and answering some questions?'

Courtney nodded as she followed him into the police car.

Bella noticed that more people started to show up, especially Bryce and Monty. Bella noticed them getting out of the car and watching the crime scene unfold. She wondered how they knew about this and where it happened?

'It's such a weird coincidence that Tyler brought a gun to school and Jackson was killed on the same night' Jessica commented

'I don't think it's a coincidence Jess' Bella said as they both watched Bryce and Monty get back into their car 

trust me, i'm lying/ scott reedWhere stories live. Discover now