Chapter 37

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You…… You Are Not Keeping Your Words!

“Hu (huff)…… that’s good.” That small groom loosened his breath. His family’s young master was too unpredictable and liked to lead a wandering life, who knew what kind of thing he was thinking in his head.

Jing Yue, walking side by side with Xing Yi, asked: “The man before, the one that looked just like a smiling tiger*; who is he ah?” Xing Yi went blank for a moment after he heard Jing Yue’s words. When he finally understood the one that Jing Yue spoke about was Fang ZiCheng, his eyes suddenly showed a smile inside them; smiling tiger, this description really befits him.

Xing Yi opened his mouth and said: “He’s the great scholar Fang’s only son, Fang ZiCheng; he’s also one of Master’s few friends.”

Jing Yue sighed repeatedly and said: “This kind of person, in one glance you can already see that he is a shady person; only Xiao Chen has this kind of taste and befriend him.” Hearing what Jing Yue had said, Xing Yi’s face went a bit stiff; these words, in the end is it a praise or a critic?

When Jing Yue went back into Lotus Court and saw that Yin Jian and Ying Feng were being fed sobering medicine, she finally loosened her breath. Her heart couldn’t help but thought about whether she should put iron chains on these two guys or not the next time they went out; too wayward, they actually got themselves drunk!

Once he returned to Xiao Chen’s side, Xing Yi reported one by one everything Jing Yue had said and did today to Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen’s face went somewhat strange when he heard Yin Jian and Yin Feng the two wolves had gotten drunk because they stealthily drank wine; he thought some kind of huge mess would occur and would need him to clean that up.

Didn’t expect these two wild wolves would actually get themselves drunk?

Xiao Chen’s face was somewhat pale; he slightly narrowed his eyes and said: “What is Huang Fei doing right now?”

“Huang Fei already went to sleep.” Xing Yi answered.

Xiao Chen nodded without asking any further and waved his hand to let Xing Yi retreated. Hesitating for a bit, Xing Yi glanced at Xiao Chen and said: “Master, soon it’s going to be the ninth day again, your body……”

“Doesn’t matter, the drug will be delivered on the tenth, it’s nothing more but one day delay.” Xiao Chen slowly closed his eyes and spoke.

“Yes.” Xing Yi hung his head down and turned his body around to retreat and go out, his eyes were grave.

Inside the Lotus Court, Jing Yue was sound asleep. Her sleeping posture was completely lacked of image and had not the slightest sense of beauty. Living inside the forest for a long time had made Jing Yue had a type of natural sharp sense, inside those black nights, a thread of blowing wind or moving grass were able to rouse Jing Yue who was sleeping soundly.

“Who!” Jing Yue suddenly opened her eyes. Inside the pitch-black room, her eyes seemed to suddenly emit a flash of green light before restoring their pitch-black color.  The footsteps of the person standing behind the curtain halted for a moment; that person stood still, opened his mouth and said: “It’s me.”

“Xiao Chen?” Jing Yue lifted the bed curtain open; she saw Xiao Chen, whose whole body was in black, stood not too far away. Jing Yue blinked her eyes foolishly before she frowned and asked: “In the middle of the night, instead of sleeping you come here playing ghost to scare people ah!?”

Once she saw it was Xiao Chen, Jing Yue immediately loosened the vigilance in her heart and feebly hung her head down. She glared at Xiao Chen with a face full of anger.

“Am I not coming to sleep now?” Xiao Chen took graceful steps and walked to the bedside. At once, Jing Yue held out her hands to prevent Xiao Chen from proceeding forward. She stared at Xiao Chen incredulously and said: “Wei, we’ve come to an agreement, you are absolutely not allowed to touch me!”

“Who’s come to an agreement with you?” Xiao Chen held Jing Yue’s hand and in one turn of his body, he already lay on the bed and easily fastened Jing Yue on his embrace. Fury flashed through Jing Yue’s face because of their posture; how could this damn man have such a huge strength!?

“You…… You are not keeping your words!” Jing Yue wanted to cry yet she had no tears, her hands really hurt yet she couldn’t get free no matter how she struggled……

“It’s good that you know.” Xiao Chen’s words seemed to carry some tiredness inside. He slowly released his hold over Jing Yue’s hands; however, once Jing Yue’s hands were loose, her elbow promptly went towards his lower jaw. Xiao Chen’s face went cold, in one more turn he had already pressed Jing Yue down.

* 笑面虎 (xiàomiànhǔ) : smiling tiger/ someone with a big smile and evil intention.

Beastly Fēi that Goes Against the Heavens: Coerced by the Huáng ShūWhere stories live. Discover now