Chapter 15

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It was around 2am, i was so restless. The letter had frightened me so much I was afraid to move from my bed in case something was going to jump out at me. Ridiculous, I know. 

I lay in silence, staring at my ceiling, I attempted to close my eyes and drift off into a sleep but they would only shoot back open again. I heard a crunch outside, like someone had stepped on a twig. My heart began to race, I sat up ever so quietly I listened to see if there would be anymore sound, there wasn't. "stupid wind" i whispered to myself as i lay back down on my side. 

I heard the noise again, not just once but a few times. Someone was outside. I threw the covers off of my body and stood up. I was about to turn my lamp on but that would draw attention, and that's the last thing I want. I stood there in the darkness, the only light source was from the ghostly moon shimmering on my bed. My breathing was jaggered. 

I walked towards the window, cautiously then ever so slightly peeped through the corner of the curtain. No one was in sight, the trees weren't even swaying. I don't know maybe my mind is playing tricks on me? 

I sat on the edge of my bed, I picked my glass of water up and drank it to calm my nerves. After I did that I began to hear scratching on the front door.

"holy shit" I whispered. I stood up, petrified is the only word desribing what I feel. I began to panic, why isn't Cara awake? Do i call the police? what if there is no one there they're going to think i'm mad. The only person I could think of calling was Dougie. 

I picked up my phone and dialed his number. 

"uh hello?" his raspy voice questioned through the phone.

"dougie, it's me-"

"whats wrong? Are you okay?" my voice was shaky, I began to cry

"please, s-someone is outside i'm so scared I need you."

"i'm on my way, stay in your room okay?"

"okay." he hung up. The scratching turned into loud knocks, it would start then stop. I slid down my wall, my knees against my chest. I placed my hands over my eyes, I let the warm tears fall down my cheeks as i whispered "stop" over and over. The knocking got louder, I got confused as to whether it was the knocking I could hear or my own heartbeat. 

"PLEASE STOP IT" i screamed, as i sobbed into my knees, i began to scream. My whole body was shaking. I soon felt two hands grab my arms, i jumped. It was cara. She looked confused, she pulled me into her chest and told me it's okay. It wasn't okay. How did she not hear that? 

The knocking had stopped, the only sounf was my erratic breathing. "Zoe calm down, you must of had a nightmare." 

"That wasn't a nightmare there's someone outside cara" I was still crying. "it's him i know it is." 

"it's who? zoe what's going on you're scaring me?" 

before i could even answer i heard the door knock again. I pulled myself away from claras grasp and backed towards the back wall. "No its happening again. Fuck why me?" i cried even harder. 

"one second, i'll go see who it is. Drink some water calm down okay?" she cooed, walking out of the room. i ran after her, but the door was already open. instead of seeing some axe murderer walk into the house it was a panicked-looking dougie. 

He ran over to me and wrapped his arms around me. "Hey, i'm here now" he whispered into my hair, then kissing my head softly. "Theres no one out there Zoe, i promise you're safe okay. You probably woke up from a nightmare." do they think i'm god damn crazy? I know what i heard. 

I pulled away. "no, you're wrong. I know what I fucking heard." i hissed. 

they both looked at eachother then looked at me, as if i was some sort of lunatic. 

"i'll make you a hot chocolate, sit down and you can tell us what exactly you heard okay?" Cara said, boiling the kettle. Dougie switched the lamp on in the front room and walked over to me, placing his hands on my hips. 

"come on, come and sit down you need to calm down" he said softly, then placing a kiss on my forehead. i sat down on the sofa, wiping the tears away. Cara placed my hot chocolate in front of me on the small oak table. 

Dougie put his hand on my thigh, and gave me a small smile. i took a deep breath in. 

"A few hours ago I recieved a letter, saying someone was watching me. They even know what i bought when i was out. It scared the crap out of me. I didn't want anyone to know so I didn't bother telling you cara. I couldn't even sleep, thats when i heard foot steps outside."

"are you sure it was footsteps?" cara asked.

"yes, jesus let me finish. i heard scratching on the door like they were trying to get in, that's when i rang you dougie. I soon heard knocking" My voice began to shake again, Dougie soothingly rubbing his thumb gently on my thigh. "it got so loud, i didn't know what to do, i was so scared"

"how come i didn't hear anything?" cara said. 

"what is this 21 questions, i just told you what happened." 

"Zoe, you're getting yourself worked up again" dougie placed his arm around me and pulled me into his chest. 

"do you think i'm crazy?" i asked 

"No! God zoe, of course we don't we're just-" dougie was cut off

"concerned. You need a good nights sleep and we can think more about it tomorrow okay? drink that hot chocolate i'm going to sleep, after all i need my beauty sleep." she said smiling, making light of the situation. i let out a small laugh. 

after she left the room, i lent forward and took a sip from my hot chocolate, dougie kissed my shoulder gently, then my neck, i tilted it letting him have access. i turned around and he placed his soft lips upon mine, the tender kissing turned into hunger, like we craved eachother. i sat on his knee, straddling him, our lips never leaving one another, his hands were firmly on my hips. His tongue entered my mouth without warning, i let out a small moan. he lay back bringing me on top of him, his fingers slowly lifting my oversized top up. i sat up, our lips parting. 

"sorry, it's just-" i blushed, i dont even know why i stopped myself.

"no, it's okay tonight has been quite an ordeal for you" he smiled. 

we both 'spooned' on the sofa then went to sleep, he made me feel safe. 

i just had one thing on my mind. who the hell is playing mind tricks with me?


hello!!!! so i finally updated after such a long time :)

sorry it's not brilliant but i came up with a slightly different plot as to where this story is going

and thank you sooo much for 100= votes and almost 5000 reads thats crazy!!!! i never expected that like at all so thank you soooooooo mcuh to everyone who has read :D 

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