Chapter 8

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Y'know what's annoying? Waking up two minutes before your alarm I tried to get that extra two minutes sleep but the alarm went off, I just let out a groan

I'm meeting cara at the train station at 1:30pm today, I can't wait to catch up with her it's been a while I just hope the train is on time and I'm not standing there like an idiot

I've been thinking about telling her about dougie and I, but what's the point? I've ruined everything there's a 98% chance I'll never see him again

Probably for the best I suppose

Pushing that aside, I set off in my car to meet cara, not to forget to mention it's pouring down raining

Skipping the boring details of my dreadful cat journey I soon arrived, I walked to the platform and stood awkwardly amongst some people, business people may I add

Around 12 minutes later (to be accurate) and 12 minutes of my legs aching the train pulled up, and piled out masses of people, shoving past me

I panicked wondering how id find cara, someone shoved me into a girl, maybe 2-3 'twas younger than me, she looked foreign she me a glare, I apologised but she just muttered something in another language probably something I'd rather not hear

I felt a tap in my shoulder causing me to jump, I turned around and there stood a smiley cara


"CARA" we both screamed in sync, people gave us worrying looks but we've always been quite loud around eachother

She hasn't changed much, she still has her waist length hair, slim figure, perfect features, big smile, piercing green eyes, loud personality

She pulled me into a hug (literally nearly ripped my arm out of its socket)

"I have missed you so much" she muttered


We soon arrived home and she threw the suitcase and bags onto my bed

"I saw a cute cafe before can we go, y'know to catch up"

"Why a cafe?"

"Why not a cafe" she's always been like that, you either do it my way or I'll get smart and out smart you into doing it my way

"okay fine"

I ordered a caramel frappe and a hot brownie whilst she ordered a hot chocolate, lemon drizzle cake, and a two muffins using the excuse it's 'I've been on a train all day I deserve to stuff my face' I often wonder how that girl is so slim (healthily slim of course)

I just laughed, taking a bite out of the brownie

The cafe was fairly empty, it has 8 tables with chequered cloths on. They had small baskets in the middle, with a small vase of colourful flowers, a menu and some place mats that had cute quotes on

Mine said

'You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one'

It made me think, that's exactly what I need to do. Quit thinking about the past and start fresh. Forget about it, and think about the future

"Hello? Earth to zoe" cara said waving her hand in my fave

"Oh god sorry I was day dreaming" I took a sip out of my drink

"So have you got any guys in your life" I almost choked on my drink, why that question first cara

"Uh, not exactly it's not important, what about you?" I tried to change the subject but she gave me a 'you can't fool me' look

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