Chapter 21.

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"Girl I don't understand?" Cara was sat on the opposite end of the sofa, annoying me. It's 11:55 am I had woken up 10 minutes ago and she was already in 'Caras annoying ranting mode'

"There is nothing to understand, I didn't want to do anything I was going to later regret when i was intoxicated? What's wrong with that?"

"He was pretty hurt when he told me." She rolled her eyes. I rolled mine back.

"Jesus I hadn't even known the guy 24 hours! He tried it on with me, I rejected. The fuck boy has a bruised dignity because I didn't jump into bed with him. I'm sure some other girl will in no time. He's just playing the victim. Get your head out of your boyfriends friends ass." I took a deep breath, okay maybe that's a little harsh but she had it coming. I'm not a morning person.

"Damn bitch I was just saying."

"Sorry. I'm tired" I wanted to tell her about dougie but something was holding me back. How do I tell her we're together but secretly? It sounds weird.

Cara and I soon made up and decided to sit and binge on TV shows under the spare duvet on the sofa with the curtains shut for a couple of hours. Sunday was our chill day. Both of us didn't have work, and no one to see.

I felt my phone buzz beneath my ass. I arched upwards and pulled it from between the couch cushions. The number was not recognised. I never usually answer unknown callers but I was curious. It was probably just another scam thing.

"Hello?" It was silent. I mean the connection hadn't cut but there was no reply.

"Hello is anyone there?" I sat up straight, cara mouthed 'who is that' I just shrugged my shoulders.

Strange I thought and hung up.

"It was a silent phone call" I said standing up, reaching for another handful of peanut m&ms when my phone began to ring again.

"I wouldn't bother answering again zo"

"I don't plan on doing so.." We both continued to focus on the TV again when my phone began to ring yet again. We both looked at each other

"This is getting weird now." Cara said, "put your phone on silent, it's probably people trying to sell dodgy stuff or something" the worry was evident in her voice.

I just nodded and turned it on silent. But my anxiety was nibbling away. Why was someone who was an unknown number ringing me constantly after I answered the first time to complete silence?

A few minutes had passed, I picked up my phone and just as I had looked at my phone the unknown caller started again.

"Fuck" I furrowed my eyebrows, what did they want from me? I began to chew at my nails, cara stood up and grabbed my phone. "Wait-"

"What the fuck do you want?" She spat, holding the phone to her ear. "Ah the good old silent call huh? Pathetic. don't bother calling again you giant annoying tit." Then she hung up.

My mouth hung open. Her face was flushed, I was speechless at her sudden outburst and slightly amused.

"I'm stressed, I'm bringing the cheesecake in want a slice? She asked making her way to the fridge in the kitchen.

"No thanks."

I opened my phone and somehow ended up texting Dougie.

Me: Hey :) how's your day been?

Doug: I've missed you, can't wait to see you tomorrow baby x

Me: tomorrow? x

Doug: we're having a date back at mine 8:30pm. Change whatever plans you have ;) x

Me: such a romantic, I'll see you there xxx

I suddenly felt really tired, maybe it was the fact I wanted to get tomorrow over with so I could see Dougie or maybe it was because I was so creeped out over tonight. I pulled my hair up into a ponytail and swiped my finger across the cheesecake, then licked it off my finger.

"Hey! Get your own greedy, damn." Cara scolded, I half smiled.

"I'm off to bed, I'll see you in the morning."

"Okie doke goodnight sexy" she winked, I shook my head silently laughing but she grabbed my arm. "Don't worry about the phone calls, okay? Don't stress." Her voice was stern, I just nodded and gave her a small smile before heading to my bedroom.

I discarded my clothes and put on a large top before sliding under my duvet and switching my lamp off.
I couldn't get rid of the worry of the silent caller. why me?

That's when it come to mind. This could be the same person who took the pictures, who wrote the letter. The stalker. My heart began to thud. What if that creep is sat outside our apartment right now? I felt unsafe, unprotected.

I jumped out of bed and jogged out of the room, I reached the front door and put the locks on it. Cara turned around on the couch looking bewildered.

"I'm just uh, being safe taking precautions y'know " I tried to joke.

"Well if you say so honey" she didn't quite believe me, I don't blame her I must look crazy.

This is sending me crazy.

okay sorry sorry sorry sorry for being such a crappy ass updater and writer
Idk if anyone will be reading this anymore but if u are 100 cool points.
I would say vote and comment but it's an awful update but if you want to be my guests
Let me know what you think????

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