Chapter 19.

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Four days on and three days of crappy work included in that I wasn't needed in today. I could finally have a lie in and not have to see my pig of a boss for one day, now that was something to celebrate.

By sitting on netflix and watching once upon a time whilst eating a bowl of curiously cinnamon cereal.

It was 9:45am and the only reason I was awake so early is because I couldn't sleep last night or the night before or in fact, any night for a week now. I had so much on my mind it kept me awake worrying at night. The police had been in contact with me and I was told they couldn't do much because they hadn't got much evidence to work with - which I expected them to say.

after I'd gotten through 3 episodes of once upon a time it had reached 12:00. I needed fresh air.

Cara was out at work so boredom was settling in.

I suddenly had a brainwave. Maria!

I pulled out my phone and decided to text her. I hadn't really ever made much of an effort friendship wise with her, yes we'd chat at work but it'd never go further than that. I have no idea why though.

Me: Hey! I was wondering if you'd like to hang out today?

Shortly after she replied.

Maria: Hello I can't today sorry!! I have plans maybe another day? :)

Me: Ah, no worries x


I groaned in annoyance, standing up I decided to get ready. I wore dark blue skinny jeans and a white v neck. I didn't bother with make up and I left my hair in its natural state. it's really not like i'm out to impress anyway.

I felt a sense of paranoia going out alone, after what had happened it had left me feeling scared. What if whoever is anonymously harassing me does something to me while i'm alone?

Maybe I'm just being stupid now. Or common sense is kicking in.

The sun was shining brightly which was strangely probably one of my least favourite types of weather. I'd always preferred the rain, it was relaxing. Maybe not being in it but listening to it drum against your window calmed me. Plus getting sweaty in the sun wasn't exactly ideal.

I began to walk to the most adventurous place I could think of.

The supermarket.

Once I arrived at tesco, I began mentally writing a shopping list of what we needed. I really hated grocery shopping, but it was my turn this week.
I started on the fruit aisle picking up apples, bananas and grapes. I was trying to be healthy.

Around 15 minutes later after filling the trolley with what we needed, I began to walk to the tills to pay for them. As I cut through the the dvd aisle I noticed a familiar looking faces scanning the DVDs.

"Hey! Zoe right?" It was Tom?

"That's me" I smiled awkwardly. Why was Tom shopping? Do celebrities even go to supermarkets and shop themselves? This was a genuine question I had on the tip of my tongue but I decided against saying it.

"I haven't seen you in a while, how are you?" He asked walking closer towards me, giving me a friendly smile.

"Yeah I'm doing okay I suppose," I lied. "how are things with you and mcbusted?"

His face lit up at the mention of mcbusted, grinning showing his adorable simple I couldn't help but grin back at him. "It's really good! We're going on tour in April and May you should come along!" The enthusiasm and excitement in his voice was clear, I just couldn't say no.

"You bet I will." I replied, smiling at him before awkwardly fiddling with nails.

"Oh! And I completely forgot!-" Tom quickly said, "I'm having a celebratory party for mcbusted doing a tour tomorrow night and I'd love it if you came along?" Oh god. Tom fletcher from mcfly is asking me to come to a party at his place, is this actually happening? My inner 15 year old is crying right now. But there's one problem. Dougie. What if Ellie is there? What if he ignores me? What if things are so awkward people notice? Do the other band members even remember or like me?

"Oh I'm not sure." I said looking down, I really wasn't sure.

"Come on!" He said dragging out the 'on' "it'll be wicked! You certainly know dougie, it'll be fun!" My heart fluttered at the mention of dougie.

He began to playfully bat his eyelashes and out his hands in the pleading position, giving me yet another grin. I broke out in to small laughter. "I-"

"Plus dougie was the one nagging me to ask you, I also thought it would be a good idea you came but dougie put the idea in my head" he wiggled his eyebrows like he was hinting at something.

"Fine I'll come by, just hold on tell me the address and time, I don't wanna turn up at some strangers house." I giggled. I pulled my phone out and went into my notes. Once he had told me we said goodbye and I continued on with my mission.

When I arrived home, cara was sat on the sofa with two males. I froze on the spot. What have I just walked in on.

Cara turned around and stood up gesturing the guys too as well. One was tall, around the giant 6" mark. He had brown short on the sides quite messy and long on the top hair, he was quite attractive I must say. Too Attractive for me. He looks had a flashy smile, tanned skin and perfectly trimmed stubble. He wore denim skinny jeans, and a black t shirt with a green flannel over the top. The other was just a bit shorter, blonde hair and stood with his arm around cara. In my confusion I just stood and started.

"Zoe! You're back, this is my boyfriend: charlie." He smiled and nodded his head, not knowing what to do I just gave him a small wave and smiled. And before she could introduce the other guy, he did.

"Hey I'm olly," he walked towards me and held out his hand. We both shook. "It's lovely to meet you" he smiled before retrieving his hand. I smiled in return

I suddenly noticed the state of how I looked. Makeup less. Bags under eyes.
Messy hair. Probably sweaty from the heat of the sun.

"Sorry I must've intruded I'll be in the bedroom-"

"Woah no! We were waiting for you! You're coming out with us tonight. You need a bit of fun" cara smiled. Damn it cara

"I have a party tomorrow night I'm not sure that would be a good idea-"

"Zoe please!"

"Cara I just-"

"It'll be fun! You have to come these guys know the best places in London to party!" She said looking enthusiastically at her 'boyfriend' and olly who just simply gave a small smile back before turning back to me.

"Okay. But I won't stay out long." I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed. I don't even know these guys, they could be axe murderers or kidnappers or axe murdering kidnappers for all I know. But cara obviously knows best.

"I'll go and sort my outfit out then." I started to walk towards my bedroom when cara pulls me back by my arm.

"I bought you a little something." She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. If she has bought me the dress I might as well go naked.

"Great!" I said sarcastically before walking into the bedroom.

I flopped down on the bed, not even bothering to look at the dress I got my phone out. I had 1 new message.

Dougie: see you tomorrow night ;)


I guess it's about to go down next chapter ayy
Comment, vote yknow do whatever if you liked I'd appreciate it. I'm not sure about this chapter either but whatever
Also sorry there isn't much zougie but there definitely will be !! Have a wonderful day guys :-)

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