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I never thought a day would come I would say this. I mean I always thought parents taught children everything. Especially when it came to religion. But I'm sorry to say that I was wrong. Yes, I was wrong. Parents are forgetting that just sending your kid to a Islamic school or summer school or some Sundays to the masjid isn't gonna teach them anything... especially if they never see you do the things they are taught. I mean really? You really think if your child went to Sunday school to the masjid she'll know how to pray, talk, know about islam and who we are? No I'm sorry NO. The kid won't know. Okay story time.

Once upon a time there was a Muslim girl named Isha but her friends called her Esh. She was sent to Sunday school at the masjid and was taught a little stuff here and there but it never really stayed in her head. She only knew that a month came calls ramadawn or Ramadan an they were suppose to fast. And that there were five prayers called fajr, zuhar, mags or something , and Isha her "name". She was told about hajj but eh she didn't really remember.

And her parents put culture before Islam. So clearly she knew nothing much.

Why you ask? Because if you just send a kid to a Islamic area once in awhile and never explain Islam to them at home... honey you aren't doing it why should they?! They don't see you doing it or talking Islam at home. So what are you thinking?! Before parents taught everything to kids. How? Cause the parents did what they taught. And to be completely honest.... It's more of the parents fault.

I mean seriously. The kids follow what they see and what they are taught. It's our own fault that today's children don't know what is Palestine. Yes some children don't know.They don't know our five prayers. They don't know our prophet's stories. They don't know about why we cover. They were sent to public school and occasionally to Qur'an class or Islamic class. It isn't gonna do anything. Ever. Because they won't care till you show you care. So please people please let's really TEACH our kids. Before our ummah falls any lower. Let us teach our children.

Ramadan Mubarak,


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