Chapter 24. The End.

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4 months later.

Your heels clicked on the floor as you walked , your long hair wrapped in a bun at the nape of your neck. After the beach, the hospital confirmed what Charles had feared, the use of his legs no longer available for him. He had went through all the usual stages of grief, including anger which he took out on you and Hank multiple times. It had been enough to push you away and drive you mad. During your time with them you hadn't expected to fall in love with Charles Xavier but it had happened, right under your nose and since the incident it had only grown. Walking out into the courtyard you saw Moira walking away from Charles, a confused look on her face and you knew what he had done. You knew it was also for her own good anyways. Walking forward he heard the sound of your shoes and looked up, his face brightening as it did whenever you walked into a room.

"There you are." He called, hands resting on the arms of his chair, "Thought I was going to have to come look for you."

"When have you ever really lost me." You teased, knowing he could find you in a second, anywhere in the world, as could you.

"You know I can't really recall." He smiled brightly, reaching for your hand and pulling you onto his lap, "I've missed you."

"I've only been gone for about an hour, someone has to get the academy ready Professor." You pointed out, wrapping your arms around his shoulders.

"Ah yes, Professor Xavier." He mused, his arms wrapped tightly around your waist.

"Professor X." you thought out loud, hearing his laugh ringing around the yard, "You like it?"

"Love it." He nodded, the smile dropping from his face, his vibrantly blue eyes pinning you down with that intense stare that sent your heart into palpitations, "Almost as much as I love you."

"I like the sound of that." You nodded, raking your fingers through his hair.

Leaning down you kissed him softly, the last four weeks some of the toughest you had ever been through but you finally felt like you had made it. Charles' hand slipped up your waist, running over your back as he prolonged the kiss, deepening it till all your senses were filled with nothing but him. You hoped he could feel all the love you had, projecting it out till be leaned back with a chuckle.

If I feel anymore love coming from you I might explode.

I just want to make sure you know, no matter what.

You're an extraordinary woman Audrey and I don't deserve you.

NO I don't deserve you. You pulled me back to life, in more then one way and I've never been happier with my choice.

Even now?

Especially now Charles.

"I love you." You murmured, staring down at him.

"I love you." He whispered back, setting you more firmly on his lap.

Taking the controls of his chair he started forward, making you shriek in delight as he wheeled the two of you around the courtyard. Your laughs rang together and you had never felt so complete.

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