Chapter 4. I Tried

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The morning after waking up was spent quickly gathering up your belongings and getting onto the plane. It wasn't as long of a flight as the first one was and you were thankful for the company of Erik, sitting next to you instead of in front of you. The two of you had gone over the plans multiple times till you knew it back to front and blindfolded. Landing was uneventful and you and Erik made your way quickly out of the airport. Dusk was falling and if you were going to stay on schedule you would have to get to the marina soon. Climbing into a taxi you gave an address to a hotel near the marina that you needed to be at.

"Once we get on the boat there can't be no hesitation." Erik said firmly, his voice low and kept between the two of you, "I need to be able to trust you."

"I can do this Erik." You nodded, glancing at his profile and he turned to look down at you.

"Are you sure because you still have time. I can finish this, for the both of us and no blood will stain your hands." He offered, and you saw the briefest flash of worry across those pale eyes.

Reaching out a finger you touched his temple, watching as his eyes fluttered shut. Closing yours you opened the connection to your minds gently, being careful not to elicit any kind of reaction from the cab driver.

Erik, I could strangle him with my bare hands and you know I could. We do this together because if I let you go alone and something happens to you, that's another person I lose to him and I can't let that happen.

Dropping your hand your eyes open to find his staring at you and he nodded, understanding without having to say a word. The closer you got the more you tensed up, matching the tension radiating off of Erik. Paying for the ride you got out at the docks, slipping into the darkness with your bags in hand. The night was cooling off but it was humid, the air of Miami drastically different to the heat of Argentina. As you snuck into a bush behind Erik the two of you found a perfect spot to slip into the water. Even from here you could see the boat and you felt a tremor of anticipation rise through you at the thought of coming face to face with Shaw. Opening the bag you pulled out the dark wetsuit that matched Eriks. Turning you were about to ask him something but he was already stripping, his shirt tossed carelessly aside.

"Quickly Audrey. We have a small window here." Erik whispered, yanking the tight suit up his lean but muscular legs, making a flush run over your body.

Ignoring that you yanked the zipper down the side of your dress, letting it pool at your feet. You did your best to forget the fact that you were half naked with Erik in a bush but your hands were fumbling.

"Audrey, zip me up please." He asked, his voice melting perfectly in with the darkness.

Turning you grabbed the zipper and tugged it up, being careful not to catch his skin. Getting it to the top you turned and shoved your feet into the suit and tugged it on with a bit of difficulty. You were acutely aware of the eyes that were drifting over your skin, feeling each touch of his gaze. Tugging the suit up over your arms you pulled your hair to the side, looking over your shoulder and seeing his eyes still on you, not shying away from the fact that you caught him staring.

"Zip me up please." You murmured, holding your hair away as he stepped forward.

Grabbing it he pulled it up, slower then you felt necessary but you said nothing. Letting your hair fall you stashed your bag with his, leaving it there for later on. Slipping down to the shore the two of you waded in, the water dark and you felt a flicker of fear as you looked down, not seeing the bottom.

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