Chapter 22. Face to Face with the Monster

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     Looking across the beach you saw Angel standing there with the teleporter and the man who blew you out of the sky. Hank and Alex stood on either side of you, the four of you facing the three of them. Angel flew up into the sky, leaving the other two there and before you could move Alex shot a beam across, hitting the man you had started calling Cyclone back into the sub.

I can guide you two through once you're in but I need you to shut down whatever it is that's blocking me then we just hope to God its not too late to stop him.

Erik looked down at you nodding, hearing Charles' voice in his head too. Both of you took a running start towards the sub, the reality hitting you that Shaw was just inside, and the thought of getting revenge flickered through your mind again. As the thought grew you felt Charles slide in, letting him feel what you were feeling.

I cannot understand the anger, how you must feel with the person who hurt you so close but remember what I said. It will not bring you peace. Get in there, get him out and I will do the rest.

I don't know if I can Charles.

What are you saying?

I'm saying I might have to let Erik do this. I won't break my promise to you, I won't. But I can't promise I wont go in there and kill him so Erik has to do this.

That's alright, Erik can do it. Just make sure no one goes after him.

I can do that.

It's alright Audrey, sometimes you can't fight all the battles. I'm proud of you.

Focusing in you saw Cyclone getting to his feet, taking a good shot from Alex. He was still in front of the sub but you used the metal pieces around you to form a cocoon around him, watching him struggle. Holding him in place with one hand you ripped the side of the sub open, Erik stopping when he realized you weren't beside him.

"Go. I'll be right behind you." You called, seeing him hesitate before running into the sub.

Letting Erik go alone was the worst you had ever felt in your entire life, not able to trust yourself enough to go with him. Instead you wrapped more metal around Cyclone before putting him to sleep, dropping him on the ground with a thud. You could feel Charles coaxing you back to the plane but you didn't want to be too far away, just in case. Reaching out you searched for Erik, sliding into his mind smoothly, hearing C'arles' voice through there.

Erik you're there, you've reached the void.

"He's not here Charles, Shaw's not here! He's left sub!" Erik shouted, looking around the room and you saw it was empty, panic flaring up in you as you looked around, searching for Shaw.

What? HE's got to be there, he has to be. There's no where else he can be, keep looking.

"Audrey..."Erik called softly, and you knew what he wanted.

"Damnit." You cursed, heading towards the hole in the sub.

Moving quickly you walked over debris, seeing the door just ahead of you, Erik standing in the middle of the room. You could feel the void, the one Charles was talking about and as you walked towards Erik you realized why. HE was looking at you with such despair, fearing Shaw slipping through your fingers again but you saw otherwise. The wall behind Erik slid open, the monster standing in a secret room within a room. Seeing the expression on your face he turned slowly, staring at Shaw.

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