Chapter 19 Being Better

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Standing in the hall, hands in his pants pockets you smiled as you shut the door, leaning against it. Biting your lip you could feel the ache there, a reminder of the nights events. You had no idea when the feelings for Charles had started but they were there, blowing up inside your chest and settling there with no intention of budging. Kicking your shoes off you walked into the bathroom taking your hair out and letting it fall down your back. Changing quickly you put on your clothes you normally wore to sleep, heading back into the bedroom and nearly jumping out of your skin.

"Erik. You startled me." You gasped, the silhouette of the man standing in your window nearly making you scream.

"I didn't mean to." He murmured over his shoulder, "I just wanted to know what Charles said after I left."

"He said the same things as he did when you were there." You said truthfully, walking up beside him, "That killing Shaw isn't going to bring us peace."

"Audrey, I've been on this mission for a very long time..." Erik began, but you took his arm, making him face you.

"I've been on mine just as long Erik, but I always thought we had the same goal. Peace for us." You spoke softly.

"You sound like Charles." Erik accused, making you shake your head.

"No that was always my plan Erik. Stopping Shaw, for me anyways, was about getting back what he took from me. I want to feel like I have a place here, where I don't have to always be afraid of looking over my shoulder for him. To never worry about who replaced me in the cages he had." You frowned, crossing your arms over your chest, "I want to be free of Shaw but I don't want to be the person he tried to turn me into."

"Someone like me." Erik said simply, no trace of emotion in his voice.

"No Erik, not like you. We're not the monsters here, Shaw is." You argued softly, his eyes softening a touch, "I want peace Erik and not just for me."

"I can't promise you anything." He shook his head, a sigh coming from deep down, "I can't promise but I'll try."

"Really?" your head snapped up, a hopeful look in his eyes.

"I said I'll try but if I get a chance..." he threatened and you knew that was the best you would get out of him so you took it.

Leaning forward you rested your head against his chest, hearing his heartbeat through the thin black sweater. His hands rested against your shoulders, giving them a soft squeeze as he pressed his lips to the top of your head. Erik had a special place in your heart, finding someone who matched you so well in so many way and you were honest when you said you wanted peace for him. Letting go he put his arm around you, leading you to your bed and pulling back the covers. Getting in he covered you, crouching down by your head, brushing your hair away from your eyes.

"I just want the world to see you as I do." He said softly, hand resting on your head, "You're perfect, one in a million and I want the same thing you do, for you to be accepted for who you are."

"Then let's prove they have nothing to fear from us." You whispered, staring back into those cool blue eyes, "Let's be...better."

Leaning forward he pressed his lips to your forehead, humming softly as he stood, leaving you with the memory of him walking into his room, shutting the door with the flick of the wrist. Hoping beyond anything he kept his word you shut your eyes with a yawn, sinking into a dreamless sleep.

Waking up you could just see the sun coming up, the sky getting lighter and lighter each moment and you stretched, a groan coming out of your lips. As you watched the sun start to peek over the horizon you felt Charles wake, your connection starting to be a permanent part of your day.

Morning Charles.

Awake already?

Just woke up, watching the sun come up.

Come join me, I've got a spectacular view for that if you want.

Throwing your blankets off you slipped out of you room, heading towards Charles', the house dark and cold in the early morning. Shivering slightly you found his room on the second floor, opening the door and walking inside, knowing he was waiting for you. His room was stunning, not too large but big enough to have more books lining one whole wall. There was a fireplace in there as well and as you looked around for Charles you saw the balcony. Walking towards it you were greeted with a beautiful sight, the man standing there, blanket resting over the railing. Stopping for a moment you committed the sight to memory. A barefoot, bare-chested Charles Xavier watching the sun come up, the first light of day silhouetting him in a warm glow. Feeling your eyes on him he turned, seeing you standing there and he held out a hand for you.

"You're going to miss the view just standing there." He commented, a hint of amusement in his still sleepy voice.

"I'm really not." You shook your head, walking forward to take his hand, letting him pull you onto the terrace.

Standing behind you he wrapped the blanket around you, your chilled skin immediately appreciating it. Wrapping his arms around you he rested his chin on your shoulder, the two of us standing there, watching the sun come up. As you felt the heat hit your face you could almost pretend like you weren't about to have the fight of your life, that you weren't about the face the monster that made sleep a nightmare.

It wont be like that forever, I promise.

You know you promise a lot of things Charles.

And I intend to keep them. I have plans Audrey and I'd like for you to be a part of them.

Like with Cerebro?

Not only that but much more. I'll explain everything, don't worry.

Smiling you turned in Charles arms, resting your face against his collarbone, head tucked under his chin as the sun rose higher and higher in the sky. You knew you had to go get ready but all you wanted to do was stay right where you were, tucked away safely.

"We need to go, Hank will be expecting us shortly." Charles murmured, sounding as though he wanted to stay right where he was as well.

"I know but..." you trailed off, wrapping your arms around Charles' waist, his skin warm from the sun.

"Believe me I know but we have a duty, to protect the people." Charles stated firmly, making you lean back to look up at him.

"So let's do it." You nodded, seeing the pride flare up in his eyes.

"There's my girl." He murmured, leaning down pressing his lips against your for a brief moment.

The two of you walked back into his room, setting the blanket on the bed. Slipping out you walked through the house, leaving him to get dressed and you headed for the kitchen, grabbing an apple and granola from there, taking them back to your room. Eating quickly you got dressed, black feeling appropriate for the matter at hand. Pulling on a long black coat you buttoned it up, leaving your hair down as the door opened to your room from Erik's. HE had on a purple turtleneck, his on leather jacket left open but he looked ready to go.

"Good, you're ready. Shall we?" he asked, and you nodded, doing up the last button on your coat.

The two of you walked out, heading to the basement, Hank's lab the meeting place this morning and you already saw everyone else there waiting. 5 heads turned as you walked to the door, Charles holding a note in his hand. Reading it quickly you frowned, wondering why Hank had run off so quickly. Opening the door your eyes widened as you took in the scene in front of you, the lab obviously destroyed. The tables had been flipped, glass shattered everywhere and no sign of the young scientist. Charles picked his way across the debris and you could feel the anxiety in him. Following you carefully made your way across the room, coming up on Charles' left, looking down into the open box.

"Hank has been busy." Erik commented, standing on the right side of Charles, everyone crowding around the box.

"Do we really have to wear those?" Alex questioned, sounding not too thrilled at the idea of the suits.

"Well since none of us had mutated enough to withstand g-force or being riddled by bullets I suggest we suit up." Charles said simply, his words making a very clear statement.

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