Chapter 9. Stay

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    Taking his hand, you dragged him out of the office, giggling like a schoolgirl as you walked out, shutting the door behind you. As soon as you made it into the hall your smile dropped, letting out a deep breath as you glanced at the closed door. Erik was staring down at you with an unidentifiable look and you glanced away, not able to meet his eyes at the moment.

"I was just going to tie him up but that was a much better idea." He pondered out loud, making you flush.

"Tying up a government official is something that's only going to make us look guiltier." You shot back, trying to maintain some kind of dignity as you knees still felt like jello.

"I'd say you look pretty guilty." Erik grinned, pulling a hair that was stuck to your swollen lips, "Not for any illegal reason though."

"Oh shut it." You growled, hearing his deep chuckle as he tucked your hand into his.

Pulling you down the hall you made your way to the front of the building, and out the front doors. The night was cool and Erik slipped his jacket off and over your shoulders before taking your hand once again. You had to walk briskly to keep up with him, his long legs striding faster then you could keep up with.

"From what I know about you," a voice came from behind you, effectively stopping the both of you in your tracks, "I'm surprised you've managed to stay this long."

"What do you know about me?" Erik asked Charles, turning and making you turn with him, the both of you facing him.

"Everything." Was his simple answer, for the first time looking tired and slightly worn out.

"Then you know to stay out of my head." Erik warned, his tone ominous and you could feel the tremor in his hand.

"I'm sorry Erik but I've seen what Shaw did to you." Charles apologized as Erik tried to walk away, but you heard the sincerity in his tone, "I've felt your agony. I've felt hers. I can help you. I can help both of you."

He turned back around and you couldn't meet Charles eyes, knowing exactly what you would find there. Instead you felt him trying to connect with you, the caress of his mind already getting familiar and you let him in, despite the guilt of being caught.

I thought you wanted to stay.

I do but what me and Erik started...we have to finish it Charles and my head isn't above Shaw.

It should be. You could be the one to find him. You're not like Erik. You have too much good in you and so does he but could be so much more.

I can't leave him. Not like this.

I'm not asking you to leave him. I'm asking you both to stay.

"I wont' stop you from leaving. I could." He said simply, turning and walking away, "Shaw's got friends. You could use some."

With those last parting words he walked inside, leaving the two of you standing in front of the building. Erik turned and started walking but only made it a few feet before you stopped him with a tug of your hand.

"He's right." You admitted, seeing the disbelief in his face, "I'm not saying your wrong but he's not either. We can't do this. Not just the two of us."

"These people aren't like us Audrey, they're not survivors." He whispered, holding your face between his palms, briefcase on the ground between the two of you, "They don't know what it's like to lose something to him, to have him rip away everything."

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