Brad imagine - shannon

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You were walking through the busy London train station. Your hair was blowing in your face and you couldn't see where you was going. You was blasting the 1975 album in your ears through your headphones as you walked through the station on your phone.
Suddenly you felt yourself slam into someone else, luckily you didn't fall over but you knocked their coffee on the floor as as well as their belongings. "I'm so so so sorry" you say before you go onto your knees to collect their belongings. Leaving your phone on the floor you start picking up the now empty coffee cup. The person you ran into had also started picked their things up. "So you like the 1975" they said. You looked up and can face to face with the most perfect looking guy in the world. His brown, Curley hair was styled and over his face a little. He had a huge smile that made your legs wobble and his eyes were perfection! "Yeah" you smiled as you answered. "Nice" he replied.

You had picked up all of his stuff now and were both of the ground "ok so sorry for running into you, do you want some money so you can buy another coffee" you asked whiles getting your purse out. "No no it's fine" he smiled. You kept protesting as you were raised to be polite. "No it's fine seriouslyyy......" He dragged it on and you realised you never told him your name "Shannon"
"Seriously it's fine Shannon" he told you
"Then what can I do to say sorry" you asked
"Well, you can give me your number" he smirked
"How about you tell me your name first and I'll think about it" you smirked back
"Deal" he said "I'm brad"
"Well brad! My number is 07*********"
"Nice, I'll text you and when I'm back from Paris I want to take you on a date" he smiled
You blushed before he quickly kissed your cheek and said goodbye before he ran for his train.

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