Your break up tweets

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Brad: (you split up because of fans)

Yours: officially heart broken... 💔

Brads: I never wanted this to happen... 😣

Tristan: (you cheated on him)

Yours: you meant to world to me but within 24 hours and some stupid decisions you don't even exist in my life😫

Tristan: i miss your everything. A little too much.😞

Connor: (he met someone else)

Yours: never felt heart ache until today... I wish you all the best😔

Connors: it was for the best I don't like leading people on. 😐

James: (you thought he was too flirty and fans)

Yours: I never wanted to hurt you don't act like the victim...

James: I don't see what I did wrong.... Loving someone too much isn't wrong Is it?💔

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