Chapter 12: Word Vomit

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The cab ride to Rocket Grill was short and Beca had begun getting increasingly agitated.

The entire ride over Chris and Chloe were dissecting certain parts of the song they had recorded. Chris had also started talking about Chloe showing up for selected tour dates and singing the version they had recorded live.

Beca was unnerved. More than that, she was pissed at herself for letting herself get so jealous over Chloe. It was like nothing had changed, Beca getting jealous over guys talking to Chloe. It was absolutely ridiculous.

She went through the same speech again in her head. Chloe didn't belong to her, or to anyone, and she needed to stop being bothered about what Chloe Beale did and who she did it with. It was one of the many reasons she had left five years ago. It wasn't her problem, but it absolutely killed Beca inside.

As soon as the cab had parked, Beca had bee-lined straight through the line to get in and headed straight for the bar ignoring Chloe and Amy calling for her. This is where she found herself currently buried in a gin and tonic. Oh, and three shots of tequila already working their way through her system.

"There you are! We've been trying to find you, why are you in hiding?" Aubrey said placing her hand on Beca's head and pulling her hoodie down.

"The point of being in hiding is to not be found," Beca groaned pressing her forehead to the bar.

"Why are you being so angsty? Chloe's been trying to find you. Her and Amy and Jess have signed up for what's sure to be a crowd pleaser," Aubrey said sitting at the bar next to Beca.

"Chloe is better off not finding me," Beca said barely above a whisper.

"Oh for God sakes, Beca, please tell me you aren't starting this shit again," Aubrey huffed signaling to the bartender for more shots.

"I just-ugh. Aubrey. I hate myself for being so jealous, you should've heard Chris in the cab – oh Chloe, you sound so amazing – oh, Chloe you should totally just come on tour with me and like sleep on the bus and make beautiful music and beautiful babies," Beca rambled angrily mocking Chris.

"He did not say that," Aubrey couldn't help but laugh at Beca's frustration.

"Well, no…. but he was thinking it!" Beca said pointing at Aubrey to empathize her point.

"Beca, talk to Chloe, I can't deal with all this sexual tension between the two of you all the time, do you have any idea how frustrating it is to see you both like this all the fucking time?" Aubrey grunted downing the tequila as she handed a glass over to Beca.

"Sexual tension? She has a boyfriend!" Beca replied throwing the glass to her head in one motion. "God that burns."

"Oh my God! You are SO dense! That dude isn't her boyfriend; he's someone she goes to when she misses YOU, Beca. When she's lonely. She is my best friend, you know? She tells me everything so I'm kind of breaking code right now. She told me she's texted you a million times and you never respond… You've got to let her in," Aubrey said signaling to the bartender for more shots.

"That's not her boyfriend?" Beca's eyes darted to meet Aubrey's.

"You two are absolutely fucking ridiculous! Jesse and I have to do it all!" Aubrey said throwing her hands up in defeat.

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