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Scott was still fighting the Beast in the library. He was injured severely finally began to slow him down considerably. He was thrown across the room was slammed against a bookshelf before landing hard on the floor, causing him to groan in pain as made contact with the linoleum. 

   Sydney gasped in horror and covered her mouth with her hand as another male student turned away from the fight, unable to watch any more violence. 

  Before Scott could even recover from the impact, the Beast grabbed him by the legs and yanked him backward, throwing him across the room once again. He flopped onto his back and landed on top of a table, smashing it into pieces with the force of his impact.

 Scott, whose claws and fangs were still out, groaned loudly in agony as he tried to recover from the previous hit. After a moment, he used up all the energy he had to flip himself onto his stomach so he could get on all fours, cracking his neck in preparation as he watched the Beast stomp toward him. The Beast repeated the action as Scott growled under his breath and got into position before leaping into the air toward the Beast, his red eyes glowing red as he roared at the Beast, scaring the rest of the students who were hiding.

 The Beast grabbed Scott by the neck before throwing into a bookshelf. Scott groaned and gently flipped himself onto his side, but was struggling to find the strength to get up to his feet. He heard the Beast slowly stalking toward him when suddenly, the other Beast arrived. Scott turned his head so he could see it enter. Scott frowned when he saw something in the shadows behind the Beasts. It turned out to be Liam, who leaped into the air behind the second Beast, causing Scott to scramble to get out of the way as Liam made it to the Beast's head and used both of his fists at once to punch him in the jaw.

 Scott ducked on the stairs as Liam landed next to the staircase. He heard the sound of gunshots just as Braeden appeared and shot round after round at the Beast from her shotgun. 

  Malia rushed in behind her, her eyes glowing bright blue as she extended her fangs and roared at the Beasts as well. After both of the Beasts were hit with at least a dozen shotgun rounds each, they elected to flee rather than continue fighting and leaped through the wall of windows in the back of the library before they both took off. 




 Marie-Jeanne was frantically running through the woods of France in just her white blouse and blue day-dress. Her right arm was bleeding through her sleeve from an injury she had gotten in the fight against her older brother and sister

 Marie-Jeanne, still running for her life, turned back to see that Sebastien and Cassandra were now in human form and stalking her slowly several yards behind her, an arrow still stabbed into Sebastien's shoulder from a few moments earlier. 

  Marie-Jeanne suddenly tripped and landed in the snow and the two werewolves started to walk faster as he yanked the arrow out of his shoulder and threw it aside. 

  Marie-Jeanne scrambled frantically until she finally made it back on her feet and continued to run, "There's nowhere to run, little sister."

Marie-Jeanne was starting to get away when Sebastien began to turn,  his blazing blue eyes and sharp fangs out. Cassandra began to turn also, her eyes glowing green as she began her large grey beast form. The Beast ran behind Marie-Jeanne, and she broke into a sprint as they chased her before finally sliding onto a snow bank. She grabbed the pike that was a weapon against her siblings that she hid there earlier. She held it up, screaming at the top of her lungs as the Beast lunged for her and Sebastien impaled himself on the pike.

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