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As the game came to an end, the Beasts still hadn't showed up. Just then, the new journalist that had come to broadcast the game, turned on her mircophone, only to have everyone by suddenly overwhelmed by a loud, high-pitched sound. Everyone in the stands, on the field, and on the sidelines immediately covered their eyes and groaned in pain, especially ones with supernatural hearing.

On the field, Liam removed his helmet and looked around confused as the other players on the team frantically ran past him. He wasn't sure what was going on at first, but after a moment, he focused his hearing and picks up the sound of growls coming from afar. Stiles, who was near the bleachers, frowned in concern as he looked around for the sources of the noise.

When the growling was heard closer this time, Liam's eyes glowed yellow as he headed for the parking lot next to the school buses. Stiles didn't realize what he was doing until it was too late to stop him, "Liam! Liam, wait!" Stiles shouted in warning.

Liam ignored him and ran toward toward the school buses, where the Beast with green eyes had jumped on the roof of the nearest one and roared menacingly at him. Liam leaped into the air, his claws out, ready to fight.



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It was nighttime and two men, Sebastien and Marcel, along with Sebastien's sister, Cassandra, who was secretly fighting in the war even though she was a women, were injured and struggled to make their way through the woods in the middle of the rainfall.

After a moment, Sebastien slipped and fell, accidentally taking Cassandra along with him. Their faces landed right in the middle of two paw-print shaped puddle that were beside each other, probably made by the same creature.

"Marcel!" Sebstien called out weakly to his friend as he struggled to get back up.

Cassandra took a deep breath, digging her hands into the mud as she managed to pull herself back up. As she was about fall back down, Marcel quickly caught her and helped her stand up. Both Cassandra and Marcel grabbed one of Sebastien's and helped him get to his feet.

Only a few moments later, the weather dried out, and the full moon rose in the sky while Cassandra and Sebastien sat beside each other under a tree and wrote a letter together to their younger sister, Marie-Jeanne.

"Dear Marie-Jeanne,

Cassandra and I wish we had better news to report. But, even with the support of our Indian allies, we are losing this war to the British. We have heard news that Montreal has fallen. Marcel and us have all suffered injuries. All that keeps us alive is the hope of seeing our home again, and of seeing you, our sister."

Once finishing the letter to their sister, Sebastien and Cassandra were quick to get up and follow Marcel. During the journey, rain began to pour from the sky once more as Cassandra, Marcel, and Sebastien limped toward a house in a clearing. They wasted no time rushing inside due to the sounds of British soldiers and their hounds following after them.

Once inside, Sebastien set Marcel down before he and his twin sister began to blow out the candles in the windows. Suddenly, a woman by the name of Colette, came out with a terrified expression on her face, "You can't be here." She spoke up, causing the three of them to quickly whip around to face her.

"Stay back!" Cassandra told the female in a hushed tone, her voice still sounding angered and threatening.

Noticing the three soldiers did not listen to her, her tone of voice became more urgent, "You don't understand. You've come to the wrong place to hide."

"Quiet!" Marcel told her in a whisper before turning back to look through the cracks of the wooden door.

"There is something out there! Some things other than the British soldiers." Colette informed her.

Once hearing the human girl's words, both Cassandra and Sebastien seemed to have become interested what she had to say. Sebastien grabbed the candle stick next to him and shared a glance with his sister before they both walked toward Colette.

"What do you mean, 'other?'" Sebastien asked out of curiosity.

Colette spoke up with fear in her eyes, "Creatures of the night."

Marcel looked anxious as he turned to Sebastien and Cassandra, who stood beside each other, as always.
Their whole life, where one would go, the other would always be close by. Everyone that knew them knew that Sebastien and Cassandra were a package deal, not that people minded, both of them were loved dearly by their village, "Don't listen to her." Marcel insisted and Cassandra rolled her eyes as she turned back to Colette.

"Go on," Cassandra ordered the female, wanting to know what kind of creature she was talking about.

"Shapeshifters. Demons. Two of them." Colette explained to them.

"What kind?" Sebastien asked urgently.

"Sebastien..." Marcel trailed off in warning to his friend.

Both Sebastien and Cassandra decided to ignore him and continued to stare at Colette as they walked even closer to her, "What kind of demons do you speak of?" Cassandra continued on with her question, fascination in her eyes.

"Demon Wolves." Colette replied, sounding fearful.

Outside, the British soldiers and their hunting dogs surrounded the house as the thunderstorm raged overhead. Once they were in position with their muskets aimed at the house, they all heard a vicious roaring sound as the two Beasts appeared and begins taking out all of the soldiers one by one. The last survivor rushed to the front door of the house and began to frantically pound on the door in an attempt to get to safety, "Open the door! For God's sake, open the door! " He pleaded, "Please! Open! Help!"

The door remained closed until he finally pushed it open. Just then, one of the Beasts yanked the man by the feet and dragged him away, causing the man to scream in horror until he was finally killed. Sebastien's leather sack laid on the ground where he and Cassandra's letter to their sister had been left behind.

"That letter would eventually find its way into the hands of a young woman. A skilled hunter who would later face the Beasts armed with nothing but a steel-tipped pike. She would be known by history as the Maid of Gévaudan... But her real name was Marie-Jeanne."

AN: Okay so the gif that comes right before the flashback is of Cassandra Valet. I'm having her be played Marie Avgeropoulos.

 I'm having her be played Marie Avgeropoulos

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