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 Stiles and Veronica were driving in his jeep that night after leaving the Animal Shelter, Scott being mad at both of them. The hood of the started to smoke up, causing both of them to sigh. Veronica and Stiles began to cough up the smoke as it started to go through the vents and into the jeep. The two teenagers quickly got out of the jeep before Stiles went into the trunk to get his tool kit. Stiles placed it down before opening up the hood of the jeep. 

 Stiles then opened the pack of wrenches to see what missing, "You need help?" Veronica asked him concerned and Stiles didn't answer, he just shook his head.

Veronica's eyes widened in shock when Stiles suddenly yelled out in anger as he threw the kit of wrenches. He closed the hood of the jeep before opening the door of the passenger's side and getting the wrench.

Stiles was about to throw it along with the other wrenches but he suddenly stopped and turned to the jeep. Veronica knew what Stiles was about to do and was quick to try and stop him, "Stiles, don't even think about it. Stiles, stop--" Before Veronica could finish the warning, Stiles threw his wrench at the window of the jeep, causing it to crack even more than it already was.

  Stiles looked like he was about to punch the hood of the jeep and as he was about to, Veronica roughly caught his balled up first in her right hand. Stiles slowly turned to her, a shocked look on his face.

  Veronica sighed out, giving Stiles a sad look. It was quiet for a long moment before Veronica finally hugged Stiles. Stiles surprisingly hugged her back after a moment, "It's going to be okay, Stiles. You're going to get through this. We both are." Veronica assured him quietly.


One of the Sheriff's deputies sat at his desk, drinking coffee as he listened to his police scanner, "Unit Seven, can you ten-nine? I didn't quite get that." He told the person as he fixed his mic.

 "Ten-Four, Dispatch, I'm southbound on Fryman following two suspicious individuals loping in the middle of the road."

  "Seven, clarify loping." He insisted, feeling a bit confused about it all.

 "Uh...Running on all fours. Suspects are possibly two large animals." The Deputies informed dispatch.

  Just then Clark began to speak over the radio after seeing the same thing, "Unit five to Dispatch, I'm turning the corner on Lincoln. Suspects are no longer loping but running." She explained to him.

 "Ten-four. Unit five, clarify running." Dispatch ordered as the radio crackled.

 "Two legs. Moving fast." She replied.

 "Copy, what's your speed?" He asked her concerned.

 "Forty-five to fifty." She answered, "Advise that the suspects are too large to be human."

 "Ten-four, unit five, back off and maintain eyes. Dispatch to all units, be on the lookout for two suspicious bipedal animals."

 "Unit eight to Dispatch, advise coming up on Taft, animals are back on all fours and..." They trailed off as their tires began to screech, "Holy..."

  Sheriff Stillinski walked over after hearing the commotion going on and got himself headphones and a mic, "Unit eight, it's Stilinski. Report."

 "Ten-four, Sheriff. Both suspects just leaped over my car."

 "Dispatch, I have eyes on the suspects. Corner of Union, heading north towards Beacon Hills High School. Confirm one is back on all fours while the other is not."

  "Uh, ten-four, can you give its twenty?"

"In my rear view mirror. Coming right toward me. Advise suspect is...Oh, my God!" She screamed.

  "Clark, back off..."  Stillinski warned his deputy and suddenly, there was a crash.

   Sheriff Stillinski quickly grabbed his jacket before running out.


 Stillinski ran into the school in search of his fellow deputy, "Clark!" He called out loudly.

"I'm here!" She shouted back, running over to him.

"Sheriff, my car...It's wrecked. I'm sorry, it's probably totaled." She apologized, panting for breath, "I ran half a mile to get here, trying to follow those...Those things."

 Sheriff Stillinski turned Clark's head to the side to see she had a wound on the side of her forehead.

"Hey, hey, hey...Forget about the car. Insurance will cover it." Sheriff Stillinski assured her quickly, still worried about the female deputy's wellbeing.

"Yeah, well..." She trailed off as she began to walk down the hallway with Sheriff Stillinski following close behind her, "I wonder how much insurance the school has."

 Stillinski frowned at her words, not knowing what she was getting at. The two of them turned a corner the Beacon Hills High School sign now being in the middle of the school hallway, snapped in half. The lights flickered as they hung off the ceiling as pieces of the school were spread across the floor. Stillinski looked shocked as he walked a bit closer to get a better look. Deputy Clark followed Sheriff Stillinski over to see a giant hole in the ceiling, which revealed the supermoon up above.

 Far behind the two officers, Clark and Stillinski didn't notice the three Dread Doctors standing at the top of the steps, looking at the damage the two suspects had made also. They walked a bit closer, the Pathologist balling his hand into a fist, "Sucess?" He asked the two others.

"Imminent." The Surgeon replied.


    Malia had just dropped off Stiles at the Beacon Hills Sheriff's station and was about to drive away when Veronica suddenly appeared in front of Malia's car, a puzzled look on her face.

    Malia quickly pressed the breaks before she could run over Veronica.

   Veronica ran over to the passenger's side and got into Malia's car, "Where have you been, Veronica?" Malia asked with a sigh, "Stiles said you disappeared last night while you were both waiting for the tow truck." She explained to her and Veronica frowned.

"I went for a walk," Veronica replied with a smile, not seeing any problem with it at all.

  Malia shrugged her shoulders, "Reason." She replied without a car in the world before she began to drive off, "Put your seatbelt on, you're coming with me to the coyote den."


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