Chapter 34

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Chapter 34 - ''Graduation''

Date: March 21


Juvia had managed to drag herself out of a bed and take a shower. She didn't want to stay in here in fear today; not today, not a day like this.

She can't keep missing out on her life like this. She can't keep letting each day pass by without living it.

Ever since she was little, she's been dreaming of this day. The day where all of the hard work pays off and she makes her first mark.

And she refuses to have that taken away from her too.

With shaky hands, she slowly changed into her dress then threw on the royal blue gown over it. Her heart raced rapidly inside her chest as she grabbed the cap and placed it on her head, fixing her hair to frame her face.

She can do this. She has to.

Gathering all the courage she could muster, she stepped out of the bathroom to see Lucy who was styling her hair. Upon hearing the door open, she turned around with a surprised look on her face.

''You're going?'' Lucy asked, her voice sounding a little higher than usual from shock.

Juvia nodded her head. ''Yeah..'' 

''I didn't think you were going to come, I mean..'' She trailed off, not knowing what to say.

''Me either. But..'' Juvia took a deep breath. ''I can't miss this.''

''Listen, you don't have to tell me but.. what's been going on with you lately?'' Lucy questioned in concern, making direct eye contact with her.

Having people ask what was wrong always has been a weak point for Juvia. She can hold it in and hide it as long as she doesn't hear those words. But already being in such a vulnerable state only to be hit with that?

Just hearing how worried she is was enough for her to burst into tears. Her cries filled the silence of the room, her knees dropping to the floor as her hands desperately attempted to hide her face. Lucy ran over to her, kneeling down next to her and cautiously placing her arms around her. 

Juvia didn't snap. She didn't push her away. All she could feel right now is her salty tears dissolving into her mouth, rather than the fear that envelopes her on a daily basis.

And for once, it felt sort of good to be comforted with a physical touch. It was mostly uncomfortable, but hell, she knew she needed to be comforted. She knew she had to get this off her chest.

''I'm so scared, Lucy,'' Juvia croaked. ''I'm so fucking scared, I don't want to see them but I also don't want to miss today.''

Lucy was a little thrown off by her not speaking in third person, but it was quickly washed over by curiosity. ''Who? Who are you scared to see? What did they do?''

Juvia stayed silent for a while, not knowing how to tell her. How do you tell someone that you were raped? That you had your dignity taken away from you? That you were violated in the worst possible way?

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