Chapter 33

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Chapter 33 - "Realizations"

Date: March 19

Gajeel Redfox ❤️

There are only two days left until graduation and to say I was nervous would be an understatement.

I have no idea if my family is going to be there. To be frank, they haven't contacted me at all ever since I arrived in December.

It should've been expected. I knew they were only acting like they cared when I left. But it hasn't been bothering me as much as I thought it would, not ever since I met Levy in person.

I may not have them, but I have her. Everything is finally falling into place.

My family was probably not going to be there, but the girl of my dreams is right here with me; and that, that is enough.

Because if they won't love me, then others can have me.

Me and Levy are out on a date at a diner before we had to deal with the chaos that was going to come in the next two days. It hasn't been our first date, but that's probably because I count every time I spend with her as one.

Levy snapped me out of my thoughts by taking a handful of fries and throwing them at me. I cracked up laughing, unable to believe she did that. "What was that for?"

"Stop zoning out!" She yelled jokingly, giggling.

I picked up the fries and threw them back at her. The greasy food slapped her in the face, making her laugh even harder.

Listening to the harmonic tone of her laugh and watching her smile grow.. wow.

That's the only word I can muster in response to all the beauty she radiates.

Like isn't enough to describe how I feel about you, Levy.

"Hey, if you're going to keep playing around like that you're going to have to leave." One of the employees shouted over at us.

We turned to look at each other and soon we found ourselves out of that joint and heading down to the bus stop.

"What a killjoy, huh?" Levy giggled.

"Definitely." I smiled. We stopped, the breeze starting to blow as she stepped closer to the road to see if any buses were coming soon.

There was a slight smile on her face as the breeze lifted her hair up, getting into her eyes. She watched attentively, anticipating the bus' arrival.

She's beautiful.

An absolutely gorgeous human being, both inside and out.

If I could have you next to me for the rest of my life, Levy..

There's no doubt I'd be the happiest man alive.

↙️Erza Fernandes↘️

As I stared at myself in the mirror, I could see that my hair was slowly starting to grow back.

I'm about to graduate yet here I am, procrasinating.

I still haven't made up my mind yet. But, I did apply to the colleges Jellal told me he did to. Other than that, we haven't talked about it at all.

It's like we're both avoiding the subject. Or at least I am.

To think this would've been an easy answer. Maybe if I had to make this decision before I came here. I would've gone with Jellal, no doubt.

But a lot has happened since then.

Everything has changed, including me.

I'm no longer the depressed broken girl I was before. I have hope for myself and now the man of my dreams too.

But realistically? There's no way we can last.

I don't like thinking like that. I finally have him, only for it not to last? That's a tragic thought that rips me apart. I can't stand having it in my mind.

But the harsh reality is: he's still my step-brother.

My phone vibrated on the sink, snapping me out of my thoughts. I picked it up, turning it on to see a text from my mom.

- I can't wait to see you graduate!! We're flying in tomorrow :))

With a heavy growing heart, I texted her back.

- I can't wait either.

After sending the text, I turned off my phone and lifted my head back up to stare at my reflection once more.

Maybe.. maybe I shouldn't be deciding to run away or not. Maybe I should be deciding to come clean instead.

I can't lie about this any longer. Like dad said, my family will always be there.

They deserve to know and I deserve to get this off my chest.

This is crazy, but they were in a similar situation before. Maybe they'll understand. And even if they don't, it's better to get the truth out now before they find out later in a painful way.

At least this way I won't be breaking any hearts.

All I know is that abandoning them without a word isn't the way.

We, no, I, need to tell the truth.

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